Zoe Youth Ministries Winners Luncheon, Educational, & Recreational Disciple Outreach
One of the Zoë Youth Ministries Flag Football teams & ministry associate F. G. Smart with some of the ministries youth.. (Point to Photo, Right click mouse, and click "Show Picture" in menu if picture on this page does not appear.)
“According to the Grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the Foundation, and another builds upon it. But let every man take heed how he builds thereupon. For other Foundation can no man lay that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 3:10,11
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Taking it to the Streets..
Youth Ministry Making Significant Strides to Disciple, Educate, and Empower Youth
Article From the Urban Spirit Empowerment Newsletter Publication..
Favor and Grace in Our Midst...
A great movement amongst the youth is taking place in north St. Louis County where former NFL wide receiver Gary Nobles and network associates have just completed the first phase of the Zoë Youth Ministries three phase vision implementation with the conclusion of a six month Discipleship for Christ outreach fellowship, entitled the Winners Luncheon.
During this period about eighty youth regularly attended the fellowship together with several adults that volunteered, as well as members of the churches the meetings were held. Free meals were offered in each meeting together with a culturally palatable and relevant, innovative presentation of the Gospel. Decisions for accepting Christ as savoir for the youth resulted and many of the youth also established personal camaraderie and mentorship's with the adult volunteers outside of the fellowship meetings.
Several volunteers offered their time, resources, and prayers in this implementation of the Winners Luncheon discipleship program. Nobles said, “We are grateful for those that took the time to “sow” into the lives and futures of the youth involved.
Included in this list are Elder William Breit, the executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc., whose provisions and intercessory prayer were invaluable, Tracy and Kim Fisher of Covenant Foods, inc. that cheerfully shared prayers, other resources, and more than generous supplies of food for the Winners luncheon outreach, Rev. Ken “Bleu” Campbell of Good Ground Ministries whom presented the gospel, gave resources, and administrated the correspondences, vision outline, and public relations aspects of the ministry, and Fred G. Smart of Chicago, Illinois, that shared not only financially but also made a personal trip to St. Louis and assisted in the outreach.
Others that were also significant and a great blessing to this mission were Bishop E. Dunn of Faith Christian Ministries that graced this fellowship outreach with the use of his church facilities for the Winners Luncheon, together with Pastor Carleton Stock and the board of directors of North Ministry Presbyterian Church, whom also graciously provided his churches facilities where the final six weeks of the fellowship were conducted.
Additionally, thanks to the contributions of fellowship mentor Deacon Larry Bonds, whom also donated soft drinks and provided much needed space in his home for storage of food for the luncheon, Minister Curtis Tisdale, Minister Elmer Moore, and those whom freely gave of their resources, time, and support, including Shawna Balde, Shelia Pargo, Pastor Fans Sanan, Walter Jeffries, Sr., Craig Nobles of Interscope Records, Walter McCovey of Los Angeles, California, S. Nobles, Leonard Jackson, and others.
This effort is a culmination of nine years of ministry extended to young, at-risk youth in the Black community which surprisingly began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois. This foundation progressed through the years and according to Nobles, the Grace of God enabled them to implement the outreach within an innovative impartation of the outreaches "power of Grace and Anointing entitled, “Peace, Purpose, and Provision”.
The "Peace" is based upon the presenting of the unconditional Love of God (salvation in Jesus Christ) first and foremost. Upon this “divine re-connection”, the peace of God within the heart accompanies the “salvation” and validates its authenticity and begins to "attract" the components of "Purpose" and "Provision".
After this, a personal understanding, direction, and guidance is then freely released into the heart concerning the “purpose” goals, aspirations, and dreams, that each individual aspires, or are predestined and gifted to do in this life.
The “gift”, as scripture teaches, “will make room for them”, and the “provisions”, including the networks, proper people, and financial resources necessary to carry out the purpose, are attracted in the “paths“ of their lives. Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
Community Youth Team Activity Council
“Our second phase vision is being initiated to continue implementing the disciple fellowship, educational, and recreational outreaches to the youth, and inviting others that also have a desire to positively touch the lives of our youth to unite their efforts with ours", Nobles added.
The outreach is also seeking to purchase a facility to house the ministry permanently and desire all that would want to share their support through tax deductible gifts to be encouraged to do so. If they wish to offer their resources or networks that provide any kind of ongoing educational, economic, or social building skills and programs and resources that might assist in further empowering our youth in the future, they are very much needed and appreciated, and more than welcome to “sow” with us in this mandate.”
Nobles added, "the Winners Luncheon fellowship is a type of church fellowship that is designed to be culturally palatable to today’s inner-city youth, whom would not normally attend any church service on a regular basis."
It is essentially, “taking the church to the streets, presenting innovative and relevant outreaches conducive to the youths environments, culture, mindset, and extending the proper spiritual, educational, social, and economic outreaches to address, equip, and better empower the youth within their communities.
“Our experience and scripture teaches us that one must “catch” a fish before he can “clean it up” or become a “fisher of men”. And in order to “catch the fish”, the hook alone without any “bait” is useless. Our “bait” is the Gospel of Jesus Christ together with the Winners Luncheon, and effective recreational, educational, personal mentorship, and “self help” employment outreaches and programs that inner-city youth can relate to.”
One of the most dynamic features of the ministries vision is the Community Youth Team Activity Council which has an active part in creating platforms for exposing, addressing, and challenging many of the social, educational, and economic issues that go uncontested, yet have a major effect upon the youth in our present society.
The Zoë Youth Fellowship outreach has also been fortunate to network with other national organizations such as Freedom Force, The “Light, Love, and Connectivity Outreach”, and others, for the purpose of combining their efforts and resources to address many issues that affect a youths perception and choices in today’s society.
Nobles added, "Our association with other youth organizations and other outreach organizations is to lend or network our efforts and support for mandates that address humanitarian, educational, economic, deceptive and negative media, and racial issues that clandestinely affect both the nations youth and adults. These are the primary things in society that are responsible for misleading or affecting the freedom, choices, values, and positive flourishing of today’s youth."
One of the more subtle and overlooked issues is the frankly false and misleading media offerings and advertising that is specifically aimed at capturing the attention of adolescents within their own communities through television, magazine, and the internet. Additionally, the fact that many “free” offers for video games and other prizes are extensively advertised, which are not in fact free at all, but rather conditional upon “the purchase of something else”, and in all aspects should be eliminated and deemed essentially illegal for merchants to advertise.
These scheme’s, camouflaged with the arm of “free speech” has been responsible for both luring and influencing the untutored mindsets of countless youth in our society and lessens the value and importance of honesty, hard work, and fairness.
An outreach is also planned to introduce legislation that will forbid any liquor store in the United States to sale candy to children also. Sadly, most are not aware that generally, liquor stores stationed in the inner-city are allowed to sale candy and snacks to children and seem to sell just as much candy to children as they do liquor to adults.
But this mixing of adult and youth in this kind of atmosphere is certainly not palatable for the younger generation or for the community in general. Quite frankly, this subtle scheme is to replace the numerous drinkers and weekend/holiday recreation drinkers with new ones, which are the kids, for the future.
Although It is up to the parents and concerned citizen's within the community to launch protests and sign petitions that forbids children to purchase anything whatsoever in the liquor stores, the Zoë Youth Ministries will be a spearhead in keeping this mandate in the forefront.
In passing legislation that forbids minors to purchase from liquor stores, it should include and any and ALL businesses that sell any kind of alcoholic beverages. This kind of city ordinance will see to it that new businesses and entrepreneurs in the future separate adult targeted business that children and youth do not have access.
Another area of concern for one of our action committees is “calling the thriving porn industry to the carpet” for their porn sites on the internet. Statistics say that 61% of all internet publishing's in 2002 are pornography. Since their inception on the wide world web, the porn industry have made these sites accessible to any youth, unless they have personal parental intervention that blocks the possibility of being solicited as a potential or future customer for the industry. But not much is being done to protect the children and youth in society from these luring’s.
The porn industries criteria in accessing these sites is minuscule in hindering minors because they only require that one must merely click a link stating that they are at least 18 years or age without any validation or proof. We believe that there should be a state ID required that is linked to these merchants to insure that the ages are appropriate for this kind of material.
“These are examples as to the kind of issues that the Zoë Youth Community Youth Team Activity Council are addressing", Nobles said. "We believe that our ongoing discipleship, recreational, educational, and mentorship outreaches, will certainly pay great dividends for all the lives of those involved.” Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
One of the frequent volunteer ministers, whom is a also regular personal mentor to many of the youth added , “We certainly appreciate those that have helped us throughout this outreach although many did not continue with us due to their unwillingness to lend their support to the foundation that had already been laid by the volunteers and associates up to this point.
Unfortunately, others that have shared their time for the ministry had motives preferring to steer the organization in a direction that was not compatible with the “Peace, Purpose, and Provision” structure already intact and ongoing with the youth.
Curtis Tisdale, a former popluar rapper that use to open up concerts for the poplular rapper "Eight Ball", said, "Some of the people that joined us had great ideas and concerns but seemed to venture contrary to the emphasis of discipleship for Christ first and foremost. This is the primary objective for the ministry and the pursuit of other ideas and programs that were introduced from others ranged from assisting the elderly to soliciting funds for their own individual entrepreneurial concerns. All these things are okay but the mandate of this ministry is to administer the anointing and Love of Christ so that many will know what their purpose in life is.”
Nobles summed up this summation with, “What others have suggested is all good, but we feel the Spirit of the Lord has birthed these specific mandates in our hearts. It is evident that the Lords hand is upon this outreach because He has been faithful to open the doors, and sending qualified, capable mentors, associates , and ministers for those things that He has purposed within his heart for the youth.
Brother Ken Bleu also added, " We are not trying to "make or get" God to do what "we want him to do", or think is right, but rather making our lives available to being a minister, which is a "servant" in its purest sense."
"One could say that we are just being “obedient” to God's (whom is Love, 1 John 4:8) heart’s desires, by listening “attentively and intelligently” to the Lord's leading , which is all contained within the wisdom of the Word of God.
When we simply believe, meditate regularly and appropriate its truths and instructions, there is always a supernatural supply of Grace (divine influence upon the heart) with an “enabling and “want to” power to "Love others as we desire to be loved."
Since scripture plainly teaches that "Love is "something that one does", and Love always Gives"....John 3:16.... "For God so Loved, He "Gave", this is the evidence of Love in action and when one simply will purposely live in the lifestyle and power of being "other person centered", changed lives and a more positive society are inevitable." (Proverbs 19:21)..
"Essentially, it is living from the “inside” - “out” according to what we believe and not necessarily focusing on all the problems in the innercity so much that it discourages and spawns a sense of hoplelessness."
That is why we are “taking it to the streets." The streets are where the hurting, untutored, hopleless, and misled live their lives. I think everyone should be a willing vessel for such outreaches and as a result, specifically, we are witnesses to the question, “does God’s power work in the Ghetto or did Jesus come just for the suburbs”, with an affirmative answer of yes, it does”, he concluded.”
Urban Spirit Publishing
Prayerfully Consider Sowing a donation to this Ministry.. All gifts are tax deductable Luke 6:38
Photos of Youth Activies and the Saturday Winners Luncheon and Fellowship
Pastor Carleton Stock and Youth at the North Side Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Mo at one of the Winners Luncheons.
Youth Flag football Teams Ready to Fellowship
"Beloved, if God so Loved us, We ought also to Love one another" 1 John 4:11
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Photo/Video Gallery
Rev. Ken Bleu, Gary Nobles, Minister Curtis Tisdale at the 'I'm Tired of Tripping Center", in East St. Louis
East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks with Nobles and other supporters at an April 2008 Rally to save the cities hospital.
You Tube Videos
Christian Activity Center - Clip #2 With Hope Anthem Music ..Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
The CAC is located in the Samuel Gompers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.cacesl.org/
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #4
://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project east st. louis illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and others.
The CAC is located in the Gumpers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.hiphopeproject.com
GROUND ZERO - Clip 1 - East St. Louis "Freedom Tour"
America on Monday, July 2, 1917. http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project:One Way Missionary Project; freedom Our first of many short clips of our "Freedom Tour" of East St. Louis to document the vision of The Hip Hope Project among friends, neighbors, pastors, volunteers and leaders of East St. Louis, Illinois.
The core vision of The Hip Hope Project mirrors East St. Louis Mayor, Alvin Park's "Life and Life More Abundantly" campaign to renew this community - and our world - from the ground up beginning with a restoration of hope in the minds, hearts and souls of people from all walks of life within and without the city, area, nation and the world at large.
The Hip Hope Project is not owned or controlled by any group or corporation. We are simply receiving, sharing and celebrating a divinely providential vision of hope that we believe is manifesting here in East St. Louis in miraculous ways.
As we later discovered, this clip was recorded beginning at 4:28 pm on Friday, May 2, 2008 at "GROUND ZERO" which is where the first shot was fired that killed the first black individual in the most horrific race riot in the history of the United States of America on Monday, July 2, 1917.
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #3 http://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project East St. Louis, Illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
History of Zoe Youth Ministries
The Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon programs are an extension of the 21st Century Youth Foundation Ministries. It is an Outreach designed to address the spiritual, physical, academic, and psychological balancing needs, of male and female children and young adults ages 6 -19 using revelatory and proven non religious, Christian principles, educational, mentorship, and recreational applications. The programs has been administered for a period of 34 weeks per year during the spring thru the beginning of the winter months since 2000 to date.
The ministry began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ, and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the infamous Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois in 1994.
within the current outreach to youth and young adults, the teaching of teamwork, character building, honesty, life principles, and integrity, were taught within the implementation of a flag football league competition each Saturday morning starting about 8:am and ending that afternoon around 3:pm -5:pm.
During these sessions, an average of anywhere between 30 - 70 youth would participate and also be administered biblically inspiring messages, prayer, free meals, personal counseling, and academic tutoring after the athletic competitions were concluded. Zoe Youth Ministries presently administers this much needed outreach each Saturday morning with the occasional volunteering of a few Adults living within the community, as well volunteers and friends of the ministrie that live in other cities.
With the support of pastors, friends, and associates, the ministry has been blessed to keep the programs intact for an extended period. We were also blessed with volunteers that would come to St. Louis from as far away as the city of Chicago, Illinois, that would travel to the St. Louis area during the weekends to volunteer in serving the outreaches needs and agendas.
The unique thing about this blessing was that although our basic youth clientele was African American, the Adult volunteers coming here from Chicago were Caucasian, Latino, and African American. Since the organization does not have its own building or facility, The need for a facility for tutoring during the week of school days, as well as a place of gathering and fellowshipping for a safe and positve enviroment were conducted in my home.
Gary Nobles said about the outreach, "Although my three bedroom home was not large enough to accomplish all that we set out to achieve and administer with the youth, the need was so great for this outreach that we often found many coming for assistance. Several of the children needing and requesting help with their school assignments or that needed to be in a positive environment had no where else to go, so we opened our home to them."
A facility for an "after school" - recreational program is much needed. The flag football outreach has seemed to be a good draw for many of the youth and also provides the opportunity for healthy competition, teamwork ethics, and positive fellowship and interactions with their opeers and community leaders on a regular basis. With the acquisition of an adequate facility, we can implement a daily Fellowship for the youth with free meals.. .
Additionally in the facility we can also offer curriculums such as performing arts, computer literacy, together with regular after school tutoring, employment skills training, a reading curriculum, and possible the production of a monthly local cable access television program produced by the youth participating, with supervision and management from a staff of volunteer Adults.
Although several adults in the community were instrumental in lending their support to the outreaches efforts, some of those that were notable to the ministries efforts were the founders and directors including myself, (AKA) Pastor Ken Bleu Campbell, aka "Rev. Ken Bleu Campbell", and "Brother Bleu" of Good Ground Ministries and Urban Spirit Publishing, Mr. Fred G. Smart of the National Productivity Group, Elder William Breit, executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc, Mr. Rick Mc Kinney, former professional sports athlete, Mr. Gary V. Nobles, also a former professional sports athlete, and Minister Curtis Tisdale, Jr. of Mt Paran Missionary Baptist Church in East St. Louis, Illinois..
Zoe Youth Ministries desires to network, unite, and partner with other similar youth outreaches and organizations interested in in combining cooperative efforts for the benefit of the youth and children .. Please use contact inormation below if you would like to network with us..
Winners Luncheon Outreach and the Zoe Youth Ministires Contact Information..
F. G. Smart
Log on to Brother Smarts informative, educational, and inspiring Website Blog by clicking the link below..
Fred Smart Site
» Friends and Supporters of Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon Outreaches..
F. Smart is a brother in Christ whom has been instrumental in supporting the outreaches of ZYM.
He is also one of the ministries positive Networkers and has personally traveled to St. Louis and Volunteered his time and and given resources while participating in the Saturday flag football league breakfast, prayer, and activites program.
Inspiring Testimonies..
Feb. 27, 2007, I personally prayed for a friend in my home town whose blood pressure was in danger of attracting a stroke. After a short prayer, I told her to go the doctor that day to check your blood pressure and it will be normal again and that the doctors would be amazed.
That is exactly what the Lord did because I saw the release in the Spirit! She is totally normal and is not suffering from the sickness she had before. It was a wonderful miracle.
Also, my right hand brother in Christ , Gary Nobles, prayed for our comrade Pastor Franz Sanon from Haiti later that day because the pastor had so much back pain that he could not get out of bed. After prayer, and about an hour later, he called and said that he was completely healed! No more back pain and he was up and about! Praise God!
Brother Bleu..
April, 2007.
Thank You Brother Tracy Fisher of Covenant Foods..
Brother Tracy Fisher of the Covenant Foods company in St. Louis, Missouri has also given us gifts of more than $2,000 worth of food for our programs (called "The Winners Luncheon and Discipleship Fellowship") .. Food gifts of cases of quarter pound beef hot dogs, bratwurst, 16 inch pepperoni pizzas, 12 inch cheese pizzas, 8 inch pizzas, several cases of push up ice cream units, Popsicles, cookie dough for baking cookies, 6 pound snickers candy bar cheesecakes, several cases of individual unit cheesecakes, juice, as well as cash gifts,) and as a result has just received the biggest deal of his Businesses endeavors..
Miracle Testimony of Healing..
A 35 year old Rochester, Washington woman whom had a history of breast cancer in her family and that was having trouble with a leakage in her breasts was totally resotred and healed after prayer during the third week of October, 2007.
She was prayed for over the telephone by one of the associates of the Zoe Youth Ministries and the next day she testified that the leakage had stopped completely and she was feeling aboslutley perfect! Wow! God certainly sent his word and healed her from all destruction! God is Good and his Word will work for you! Is. 53:5
Dear Brother, I don't know what it is about the wealth of wisdom you share with me, but everytime, without fail, they always make me cry. Maybe because inherently, it is what I truly believe about myself and am too embarassed to admit it because I am just so stuck on things I was told about myself growing up or maybe because after all that I have been through in life (parent's divorce, illness, death ...), change, now in my thirties, is fairly difficult. Truly, it is a very LARGE mountain to climb and at times I wonder if I will ever seize at least half of it, if not all.
Thank you for the wisdom you do have to impart. I do hope all is well with you and that you continue sahring your Love of with untold millions. Best Regards, Tib
Affiliate Sponsors that Support this Ministry With Purchases through Banners below....
Zoe Youth Ministries Winners Luncheon, Educational, & Recreational Disciple Outreach
One of the Zoë Youth Ministries Flag Football teams & ministry associate F. G. Smart with some of the ministries youth.. (Point to Photo, Right click mouse, and click "Show Picture" in menu if picture on this page does not appear.)
“According to the Grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the Foundation, and another builds upon it. But let every man take heed how he builds thereupon. For other Foundation can no man lay that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 3:10,11
Click the Link to Visit our> Youth Archive Blogs
Taking it to the Streets..
Youth Ministry Making Significant Strides to Disciple, Educate, and Empower Youth
Article From the Urban Spirit Empowerment Newsletter Publication..
Favor and Grace in Our Midst...
A great movement amongst the youth is taking place in north St. Louis County where former NFL wide receiver Gary Nobles and network associates have just completed the first phase of the Zoë Youth Ministries three phase vision implementation with the conclusion of a six month Discipleship for Christ outreach fellowship, entitled the Winners Luncheon.
During this period about eighty youth regularly attended the fellowship together with several adults that volunteered, as well as members of the churches the meetings were held. Free meals were offered in each meeting together with a culturally palatable and relevant, innovative presentation of the Gospel. Decisions for accepting Christ as savoir for the youth resulted and many of the youth also established personal camaraderie and mentorship's with the adult volunteers outside of the fellowship meetings.
Several volunteers offered their time, resources, and prayers in this implementation of the Winners Luncheon discipleship program. Nobles said, “We are grateful for those that took the time to “sow” into the lives and futures of the youth involved.
Included in this list are Elder William Breit, the executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc., whose provisions and intercessory prayer were invaluable, Tracy and Kim Fisher of Covenant Foods, inc. that cheerfully shared prayers, other resources, and more than generous supplies of food for the Winners luncheon outreach, Rev. Ken “Bleu” Campbell of Good Ground Ministries whom presented the gospel, gave resources, and administrated the correspondences, vision outline, and public relations aspects of the ministry, and Fred G. Smart of Chicago, Illinois, that shared not only financially but also made a personal trip to St. Louis and assisted in the outreach.
Others that were also significant and a great blessing to this mission were Bishop E. Dunn of Faith Christian Ministries that graced this fellowship outreach with the use of his church facilities for the Winners Luncheon, together with Pastor Carleton Stock and the board of directors of North Ministry Presbyterian Church, whom also graciously provided his churches facilities where the final six weeks of the fellowship were conducted.
Additionally, thanks to the contributions of fellowship mentor Deacon Larry Bonds, whom also donated soft drinks and provided much needed space in his home for storage of food for the luncheon, Minister Curtis Tisdale, Minister Elmer Moore, and those whom freely gave of their resources, time, and support, including Shawna Balde, Shelia Pargo, Pastor Fans Sanan, Walter Jeffries, Sr., Craig Nobles of Interscope Records, Walter McCovey of Los Angeles, California, S. Nobles, Leonard Jackson, and others.
This effort is a culmination of nine years of ministry extended to young, at-risk youth in the Black community which surprisingly began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois. This foundation progressed through the years and according to Nobles, the Grace of God enabled them to implement the outreach within an innovative impartation of the outreaches "power of Grace and Anointing entitled, “Peace, Purpose, and Provision”.
The "Peace" is based upon the presenting of the unconditional Love of God (salvation in Jesus Christ) first and foremost. Upon this “divine re-connection”, the peace of God within the heart accompanies the “salvation” and validates its authenticity and begins to "attract" the components of "Purpose" and "Provision".
After this, a personal understanding, direction, and guidance is then freely released into the heart concerning the “purpose” goals, aspirations, and dreams, that each individual aspires, or are predestined and gifted to do in this life.
The “gift”, as scripture teaches, “will make room for them”, and the “provisions”, including the networks, proper people, and financial resources necessary to carry out the purpose, are attracted in the “paths“ of their lives. Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
Community Youth Team Activity Council
“Our second phase vision is being initiated to continue implementing the disciple fellowship, educational, and recreational outreaches to the youth, and inviting others that also have a desire to positively touch the lives of our youth to unite their efforts with ours", Nobles added.
The outreach is also seeking to purchase a facility to house the ministry permanently and desire all that would want to share their support through tax deductible gifts to be encouraged to do so. If they wish to offer their resources or networks that provide any kind of ongoing educational, economic, or social building skills and programs and resources that might assist in further empowering our youth in the future, they are very much needed and appreciated, and more than welcome to “sow” with us in this mandate.”
Nobles added, "the Winners Luncheon fellowship is a type of church fellowship that is designed to be culturally palatable to today’s inner-city youth, whom would not normally attend any church service on a regular basis."
It is essentially, “taking the church to the streets, presenting innovative and relevant outreaches conducive to the youths environments, culture, mindset, and extending the proper spiritual, educational, social, and economic outreaches to address, equip, and better empower the youth within their communities.
“Our experience and scripture teaches us that one must “catch” a fish before he can “clean it up” or become a “fisher of men”. And in order to “catch the fish”, the hook alone without any “bait” is useless. Our “bait” is the Gospel of Jesus Christ together with the Winners Luncheon, and effective recreational, educational, personal mentorship, and “self help” employment outreaches and programs that inner-city youth can relate to.”
One of the most dynamic features of the ministries vision is the Community Youth Team Activity Council which has an active part in creating platforms for exposing, addressing, and challenging many of the social, educational, and economic issues that go uncontested, yet have a major effect upon the youth in our present society.
The Zoë Youth Fellowship outreach has also been fortunate to network with other national organizations such as Freedom Force, The “Light, Love, and Connectivity Outreach”, and others, for the purpose of combining their efforts and resources to address many issues that affect a youths perception and choices in today’s society.
Nobles added, "Our association with other youth organizations and other outreach organizations is to lend or network our efforts and support for mandates that address humanitarian, educational, economic, deceptive and negative media, and racial issues that clandestinely affect both the nations youth and adults. These are the primary things in society that are responsible for misleading or affecting the freedom, choices, values, and positive flourishing of today’s youth."
One of the more subtle and overlooked issues is the frankly false and misleading media offerings and advertising that is specifically aimed at capturing the attention of adolescents within their own communities through television, magazine, and the internet. Additionally, the fact that many “free” offers for video games and other prizes are extensively advertised, which are not in fact free at all, but rather conditional upon “the purchase of something else”, and in all aspects should be eliminated and deemed essentially illegal for merchants to advertise.
These scheme’s, camouflaged with the arm of “free speech” has been responsible for both luring and influencing the untutored mindsets of countless youth in our society and lessens the value and importance of honesty, hard work, and fairness.
An outreach is also planned to introduce legislation that will forbid any liquor store in the United States to sale candy to children also. Sadly, most are not aware that generally, liquor stores stationed in the inner-city are allowed to sale candy and snacks to children and seem to sell just as much candy to children as they do liquor to adults.
But this mixing of adult and youth in this kind of atmosphere is certainly not palatable for the younger generation or for the community in general. Quite frankly, this subtle scheme is to replace the numerous drinkers and weekend/holiday recreation drinkers with new ones, which are the kids, for the future.
Although It is up to the parents and concerned citizen's within the community to launch protests and sign petitions that forbids children to purchase anything whatsoever in the liquor stores, the Zoë Youth Ministries will be a spearhead in keeping this mandate in the forefront.
In passing legislation that forbids minors to purchase from liquor stores, it should include and any and ALL businesses that sell any kind of alcoholic beverages. This kind of city ordinance will see to it that new businesses and entrepreneurs in the future separate adult targeted business that children and youth do not have access.
Another area of concern for one of our action committees is “calling the thriving porn industry to the carpet” for their porn sites on the internet. Statistics say that 61% of all internet publishing's in 2002 are pornography. Since their inception on the wide world web, the porn industry have made these sites accessible to any youth, unless they have personal parental intervention that blocks the possibility of being solicited as a potential or future customer for the industry. But not much is being done to protect the children and youth in society from these luring’s.
The porn industries criteria in accessing these sites is minuscule in hindering minors because they only require that one must merely click a link stating that they are at least 18 years or age without any validation or proof. We believe that there should be a state ID required that is linked to these merchants to insure that the ages are appropriate for this kind of material.
“These are examples as to the kind of issues that the Zoë Youth Community Youth Team Activity Council are addressing", Nobles said. "We believe that our ongoing discipleship, recreational, educational, and mentorship outreaches, will certainly pay great dividends for all the lives of those involved.” Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
One of the frequent volunteer ministers, whom is a also regular personal mentor to many of the youth added , “We certainly appreciate those that have helped us throughout this outreach although many did not continue with us due to their unwillingness to lend their support to the foundation that had already been laid by the volunteers and associates up to this point.
Unfortunately, others that have shared their time for the ministry had motives preferring to steer the organization in a direction that was not compatible with the “Peace, Purpose, and Provision” structure already intact and ongoing with the youth.
Curtis Tisdale, a former popluar rapper that use to open up concerts for the poplular rapper "Eight Ball", said, "Some of the people that joined us had great ideas and concerns but seemed to venture contrary to the emphasis of discipleship for Christ first and foremost. This is the primary objective for the ministry and the pursuit of other ideas and programs that were introduced from others ranged from assisting the elderly to soliciting funds for their own individual entrepreneurial concerns. All these things are okay but the mandate of this ministry is to administer the anointing and Love of Christ so that many will know what their purpose in life is.”
Nobles summed up this summation with, “What others have suggested is all good, but we feel the Spirit of the Lord has birthed these specific mandates in our hearts. It is evident that the Lords hand is upon this outreach because He has been faithful to open the doors, and sending qualified, capable mentors, associates , and ministers for those things that He has purposed within his heart for the youth.
Brother Ken Bleu also added, " We are not trying to "make or get" God to do what "we want him to do", or think is right, but rather making our lives available to being a minister, which is a "servant" in its purest sense."
"One could say that we are just being “obedient” to God's (whom is Love, 1 John 4:8) heart’s desires, by listening “attentively and intelligently” to the Lord's leading , which is all contained within the wisdom of the Word of God.
When we simply believe, meditate regularly and appropriate its truths and instructions, there is always a supernatural supply of Grace (divine influence upon the heart) with an “enabling and “want to” power to "Love others as we desire to be loved."
Since scripture plainly teaches that "Love is "something that one does", and Love always Gives"....John 3:16.... "For God so Loved, He "Gave", this is the evidence of Love in action and when one simply will purposely live in the lifestyle and power of being "other person centered", changed lives and a more positive society are inevitable." (Proverbs 19:21)..
"Essentially, it is living from the “inside” - “out” according to what we believe and not necessarily focusing on all the problems in the innercity so much that it discourages and spawns a sense of hoplelessness."
That is why we are “taking it to the streets." The streets are where the hurting, untutored, hopleless, and misled live their lives. I think everyone should be a willing vessel for such outreaches and as a result, specifically, we are witnesses to the question, “does God’s power work in the Ghetto or did Jesus come just for the suburbs”, with an affirmative answer of yes, it does”, he concluded.”
Urban Spirit Publishing
Prayerfully Consider Sowing a donation to this Ministry.. All gifts are tax deductable Luke 6:38
Photos of Youth Activies and the Saturday Winners Luncheon and Fellowship
Pastor Carleton Stock and Youth at the North Side Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Mo at one of the Winners Luncheons.
Youth Flag football Teams Ready to Fellowship
"Beloved, if God so Loved us, We ought also to Love one another" 1 John 4:11
Visit the HipHopHope Project
Click Here for the Hip Hope Project
Photo/Video Gallery
Rev. Ken Bleu, Gary Nobles, Minister Curtis Tisdale at the 'I'm Tired of Tripping Center", in East St. Louis
East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks with Nobles and other supporters at an April 2008 Rally to save the cities hospital.
You Tube Videos
Christian Activity Center - Clip #2 With Hope Anthem Music ..Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
The CAC is located in the Samuel Gompers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.cacesl.org/
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #4
://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project east st. louis illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and others.
The CAC is located in the Gumpers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.hiphopeproject.com
GROUND ZERO - Clip 1 - East St. Louis "Freedom Tour"
America on Monday, July 2, 1917. http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project:One Way Missionary Project; freedom Our first of many short clips of our "Freedom Tour" of East St. Louis to document the vision of The Hip Hope Project among friends, neighbors, pastors, volunteers and leaders of East St. Louis, Illinois.
The core vision of The Hip Hope Project mirrors East St. Louis Mayor, Alvin Park's "Life and Life More Abundantly" campaign to renew this community - and our world - from the ground up beginning with a restoration of hope in the minds, hearts and souls of people from all walks of life within and without the city, area, nation and the world at large.
The Hip Hope Project is not owned or controlled by any group or corporation. We are simply receiving, sharing and celebrating a divinely providential vision of hope that we believe is manifesting here in East St. Louis in miraculous ways.
As we later discovered, this clip was recorded beginning at 4:28 pm on Friday, May 2, 2008 at "GROUND ZERO" which is where the first shot was fired that killed the first black individual in the most horrific race riot in the history of the United States of America on Monday, July 2, 1917.
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #3 http://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project East St. Louis, Illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
History of Zoe Youth Ministries
The Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon programs are an extension of the 21st Century Youth Foundation Ministries. It is an Outreach designed to address the spiritual, physical, academic, and psychological balancing needs, of male and female children and young adults ages 6 -19 using revelatory and proven non religious, Christian principles, educational, mentorship, and recreational applications. The programs has been administered for a period of 34 weeks per year during the spring thru the beginning of the winter months since 2000 to date.
The ministry began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ, and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the infamous Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois in 1994.
within the current outreach to youth and young adults, the teaching of teamwork, character building, honesty, life principles, and integrity, were taught within the implementation of a flag football league competition each Saturday morning starting about 8:am and ending that afternoon around 3:pm -5:pm.
During these sessions, an average of anywhere between 30 - 70 youth would participate and also be administered biblically inspiring messages, prayer, free meals, personal counseling, and academic tutoring after the athletic competitions were concluded. Zoe Youth Ministries presently administers this much needed outreach each Saturday morning with the occasional volunteering of a few Adults living within the community, as well volunteers and friends of the ministrie that live in other cities.
With the support of pastors, friends, and associates, the ministry has been blessed to keep the programs intact for an extended period. We were also blessed with volunteers that would come to St. Louis from as far away as the city of Chicago, Illinois, that would travel to the St. Louis area during the weekends to volunteer in serving the outreaches needs and agendas.
The unique thing about this blessing was that although our basic youth clientele was African American, the Adult volunteers coming here from Chicago were Caucasian, Latino, and African American. Since the organization does not have its own building or facility, The need for a facility for tutoring during the week of school days, as well as a place of gathering and fellowshipping for a safe and positve enviroment were conducted in my home.
Gary Nobles said about the outreach, "Although my three bedroom home was not large enough to accomplish all that we set out to achieve and administer with the youth, the need was so great for this outreach that we often found many coming for assistance. Several of the children needing and requesting help with their school assignments or that needed to be in a positive environment had no where else to go, so we opened our home to them."
A facility for an "after school" - recreational program is much needed. The flag football outreach has seemed to be a good draw for many of the youth and also provides the opportunity for healthy competition, teamwork ethics, and positive fellowship and interactions with their opeers and community leaders on a regular basis. With the acquisition of an adequate facility, we can implement a daily Fellowship for the youth with free meals.. .
Additionally in the facility we can also offer curriculums such as performing arts, computer literacy, together with regular after school tutoring, employment skills training, a reading curriculum, and possible the production of a monthly local cable access television program produced by the youth participating, with supervision and management from a staff of volunteer Adults.
Although several adults in the community were instrumental in lending their support to the outreaches efforts, some of those that were notable to the ministries efforts were the founders and directors including myself, (AKA) Pastor Ken Bleu Campbell, aka "Rev. Ken Bleu Campbell", and "Brother Bleu" of Good Ground Ministries and Urban Spirit Publishing, Mr. Fred G. Smart of the National Productivity Group, Elder William Breit, executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc, Mr. Rick Mc Kinney, former professional sports athlete, Mr. Gary V. Nobles, also a former professional sports athlete, and Minister Curtis Tisdale, Jr. of Mt Paran Missionary Baptist Church in East St. Louis, Illinois..
Zoe Youth Ministries desires to network, unite, and partner with other similar youth outreaches and organizations interested in in combining cooperative efforts for the benefit of the youth and children .. Please use contact inormation below if you would like to network with us..
Winners Luncheon Outreach and the Zoe Youth Ministires Contact Information..
F. G. Smart
Log on to Brother Smarts informative, educational, and inspiring Website Blog by clicking the link below..
Fred Smart Site
» Friends and Supporters of Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon Outreaches..
F. Smart is a brother in Christ whom has been instrumental in supporting the outreaches of ZYM.
He is also one of the ministries positive Networkers and has personally traveled to St. Louis and Volunteered his time and and given resources while participating in the Saturday flag football league breakfast, prayer, and activites program.
Inspiring Testimonies..
Feb. 27, 2007, I personally prayed for a friend in my home town whose blood pressure was in danger of attracting a stroke. After a short prayer, I told her to go the doctor that day to check your blood pressure and it will be normal again and that the doctors would be amazed.
That is exactly what the Lord did because I saw the release in the Spirit! She is totally normal and is not suffering from the sickness she had before. It was a wonderful miracle.
Also, my right hand brother in Christ , Gary Nobles, prayed for our comrade Pastor Franz Sanon from Haiti later that day because the pastor had so much back pain that he could not get out of bed. After prayer, and about an hour later, he called and said that he was completely healed! No more back pain and he was up and about! Praise God!
Brother Bleu..
April, 2007.
Thank You Brother Tracy Fisher of Covenant Foods..
Brother Tracy Fisher of the Covenant Foods company in St. Louis, Missouri has also given us gifts of more than $2,000 worth of food for our programs (called "The Winners Luncheon and Discipleship Fellowship") .. Food gifts of cases of quarter pound beef hot dogs, bratwurst, 16 inch pepperoni pizzas, 12 inch cheese pizzas, 8 inch pizzas, several cases of push up ice cream units, Popsicles, cookie dough for baking cookies, 6 pound snickers candy bar cheesecakes, several cases of individual unit cheesecakes, juice, as well as cash gifts,) and as a result has just received the biggest deal of his Businesses endeavors..
Miracle Testimony of Healing..
A 35 year old Rochester, Washington woman whom had a history of breast cancer in her family and that was having trouble with a leakage in her breasts was totally resotred and healed after prayer during the third week of October, 2007.
She was prayed for over the telephone by one of the associates of the Zoe Youth Ministries and the next day she testified that the leakage had stopped completely and she was feeling aboslutley perfect! Wow! God certainly sent his word and healed her from all destruction! God is Good and his Word will work for you! Is. 53:5
Dear Brother, I don't know what it is about the wealth of wisdom you share with me, but everytime, without fail, they always make me cry. Maybe because inherently, it is what I truly believe about myself and am too embarassed to admit it because I am just so stuck on things I was told about myself growing up or maybe because after all that I have been through in life (parent's divorce, illness, death ...), change, now in my thirties, is fairly difficult. Truly, it is a very LARGE mountain to climb and at times I wonder if I will ever seize at least half of it, if not all.
Thank you for the wisdom you do have to impart. I do hope all is well with you and that you continue sahring your Love of with untold millions. Best Regards, Tib
Affiliate Sponsors that Support this Ministry With Purchases through Banners below....
Zoe Youth Ministries Winners Luncheon, Educational, & Recreational Disciple Outreach
One of the Zoë Youth Ministries Flag Football teams & ministry associate F. G. Smart with some of the ministries youth.. (Point to Photo, Right click mouse, and click "Show Picture" in menu if picture on this page does not appear.)
“According to the Grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the Foundation, and another builds upon it. But let every man take heed how he builds thereupon. For other Foundation can no man lay that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 3:10,11
Click the Link to Visit our> Youth Archive Blogs
Taking it to the Streets..
Youth Ministry Making Significant Strides to Disciple, Educate, and Empower Youth
Article From the Urban Spirit Empowerment Newsletter Publication..
Favor and Grace in Our Midst...
A great movement amongst the youth is taking place in north St. Louis County where former NFL wide receiver Gary Nobles and network associates have just completed the first phase of the Zoë Youth Ministries three phase vision implementation with the conclusion of a six month Discipleship for Christ outreach fellowship, entitled the Winners Luncheon.
During this period about eighty youth regularly attended the fellowship together with several adults that volunteered, as well as members of the churches the meetings were held. Free meals were offered in each meeting together with a culturally palatable and relevant, innovative presentation of the Gospel. Decisions for accepting Christ as savoir for the youth resulted and many of the youth also established personal camaraderie and mentorship's with the adult volunteers outside of the fellowship meetings.
Several volunteers offered their time, resources, and prayers in this implementation of the Winners Luncheon discipleship program. Nobles said, “We are grateful for those that took the time to “sow” into the lives and futures of the youth involved.
Included in this list are Elder William Breit, the executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc., whose provisions and intercessory prayer were invaluable, Tracy and Kim Fisher of Covenant Foods, inc. that cheerfully shared prayers, other resources, and more than generous supplies of food for the Winners luncheon outreach, Rev. Ken “Bleu” Campbell of Good Ground Ministries whom presented the gospel, gave resources, and administrated the correspondences, vision outline, and public relations aspects of the ministry, and Fred G. Smart of Chicago, Illinois, that shared not only financially but also made a personal trip to St. Louis and assisted in the outreach.
Others that were also significant and a great blessing to this mission were Bishop E. Dunn of Faith Christian Ministries that graced this fellowship outreach with the use of his church facilities for the Winners Luncheon, together with Pastor Carleton Stock and the board of directors of North Ministry Presbyterian Church, whom also graciously provided his churches facilities where the final six weeks of the fellowship were conducted.
Additionally, thanks to the contributions of fellowship mentor Deacon Larry Bonds, whom also donated soft drinks and provided much needed space in his home for storage of food for the luncheon, Minister Curtis Tisdale, Minister Elmer Moore, and those whom freely gave of their resources, time, and support, including Shawna Balde, Shelia Pargo, Pastor Fans Sanan, Walter Jeffries, Sr., Craig Nobles of Interscope Records, Walter McCovey of Los Angeles, California, S. Nobles, Leonard Jackson, and others.
This effort is a culmination of nine years of ministry extended to young, at-risk youth in the Black community which surprisingly began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois. This foundation progressed through the years and according to Nobles, the Grace of God enabled them to implement the outreach within an innovative impartation of the outreaches "power of Grace and Anointing entitled, “Peace, Purpose, and Provision”.
The "Peace" is based upon the presenting of the unconditional Love of God (salvation in Jesus Christ) first and foremost. Upon this “divine re-connection”, the peace of God within the heart accompanies the “salvation” and validates its authenticity and begins to "attract" the components of "Purpose" and "Provision".
After this, a personal understanding, direction, and guidance is then freely released into the heart concerning the “purpose” goals, aspirations, and dreams, that each individual aspires, or are predestined and gifted to do in this life.
The “gift”, as scripture teaches, “will make room for them”, and the “provisions”, including the networks, proper people, and financial resources necessary to carry out the purpose, are attracted in the “paths“ of their lives. Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
Community Youth Team Activity Council
“Our second phase vision is being initiated to continue implementing the disciple fellowship, educational, and recreational outreaches to the youth, and inviting others that also have a desire to positively touch the lives of our youth to unite their efforts with ours", Nobles added.
The outreach is also seeking to purchase a facility to house the ministry permanently and desire all that would want to share their support through tax deductible gifts to be encouraged to do so. If they wish to offer their resources or networks that provide any kind of ongoing educational, economic, or social building skills and programs and resources that might assist in further empowering our youth in the future, they are very much needed and appreciated, and more than welcome to “sow” with us in this mandate.”
Nobles added, "the Winners Luncheon fellowship is a type of church fellowship that is designed to be culturally palatable to today’s inner-city youth, whom would not normally attend any church service on a regular basis."
It is essentially, “taking the church to the streets, presenting innovative and relevant outreaches conducive to the youths environments, culture, mindset, and extending the proper spiritual, educational, social, and economic outreaches to address, equip, and better empower the youth within their communities.
“Our experience and scripture teaches us that one must “catch” a fish before he can “clean it up” or become a “fisher of men”. And in order to “catch the fish”, the hook alone without any “bait” is useless. Our “bait” is the Gospel of Jesus Christ together with the Winners Luncheon, and effective recreational, educational, personal mentorship, and “self help” employment outreaches and programs that inner-city youth can relate to.”
One of the most dynamic features of the ministries vision is the Community Youth Team Activity Council which has an active part in creating platforms for exposing, addressing, and challenging many of the social, educational, and economic issues that go uncontested, yet have a major effect upon the youth in our present society.
The Zoë Youth Fellowship outreach has also been fortunate to network with other national organizations such as Freedom Force, The “Light, Love, and Connectivity Outreach”, and others, for the purpose of combining their efforts and resources to address many issues that affect a youths perception and choices in today’s society.
Nobles added, "Our association with other youth organizations and other outreach organizations is to lend or network our efforts and support for mandates that address humanitarian, educational, economic, deceptive and negative media, and racial issues that clandestinely affect both the nations youth and adults. These are the primary things in society that are responsible for misleading or affecting the freedom, choices, values, and positive flourishing of today’s youth."
One of the more subtle and overlooked issues is the frankly false and misleading media offerings and advertising that is specifically aimed at capturing the attention of adolescents within their own communities through television, magazine, and the internet. Additionally, the fact that many “free” offers for video games and other prizes are extensively advertised, which are not in fact free at all, but rather conditional upon “the purchase of something else”, and in all aspects should be eliminated and deemed essentially illegal for merchants to advertise.
These scheme’s, camouflaged with the arm of “free speech” has been responsible for both luring and influencing the untutored mindsets of countless youth in our society and lessens the value and importance of honesty, hard work, and fairness.
An outreach is also planned to introduce legislation that will forbid any liquor store in the United States to sale candy to children also. Sadly, most are not aware that generally, liquor stores stationed in the inner-city are allowed to sale candy and snacks to children and seem to sell just as much candy to children as they do liquor to adults.
But this mixing of adult and youth in this kind of atmosphere is certainly not palatable for the younger generation or for the community in general. Quite frankly, this subtle scheme is to replace the numerous drinkers and weekend/holiday recreation drinkers with new ones, which are the kids, for the future.
Although It is up to the parents and concerned citizen's within the community to launch protests and sign petitions that forbids children to purchase anything whatsoever in the liquor stores, the Zoë Youth Ministries will be a spearhead in keeping this mandate in the forefront.
In passing legislation that forbids minors to purchase from liquor stores, it should include and any and ALL businesses that sell any kind of alcoholic beverages. This kind of city ordinance will see to it that new businesses and entrepreneurs in the future separate adult targeted business that children and youth do not have access.
Another area of concern for one of our action committees is “calling the thriving porn industry to the carpet” for their porn sites on the internet. Statistics say that 61% of all internet publishing's in 2002 are pornography. Since their inception on the wide world web, the porn industry have made these sites accessible to any youth, unless they have personal parental intervention that blocks the possibility of being solicited as a potential or future customer for the industry. But not much is being done to protect the children and youth in society from these luring’s.
The porn industries criteria in accessing these sites is minuscule in hindering minors because they only require that one must merely click a link stating that they are at least 18 years or age without any validation or proof. We believe that there should be a state ID required that is linked to these merchants to insure that the ages are appropriate for this kind of material.
“These are examples as to the kind of issues that the Zoë Youth Community Youth Team Activity Council are addressing", Nobles said. "We believe that our ongoing discipleship, recreational, educational, and mentorship outreaches, will certainly pay great dividends for all the lives of those involved.” Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
One of the frequent volunteer ministers, whom is a also regular personal mentor to many of the youth added , “We certainly appreciate those that have helped us throughout this outreach although many did not continue with us due to their unwillingness to lend their support to the foundation that had already been laid by the volunteers and associates up to this point.
Unfortunately, others that have shared their time for the ministry had motives preferring to steer the organization in a direction that was not compatible with the “Peace, Purpose, and Provision” structure already intact and ongoing with the youth.
Curtis Tisdale, a former popluar rapper that use to open up concerts for the poplular rapper "Eight Ball", said, "Some of the people that joined us had great ideas and concerns but seemed to venture contrary to the emphasis of discipleship for Christ first and foremost. This is the primary objective for the ministry and the pursuit of other ideas and programs that were introduced from others ranged from assisting the elderly to soliciting funds for their own individual entrepreneurial concerns. All these things are okay but the mandate of this ministry is to administer the anointing and Love of Christ so that many will know what their purpose in life is.”
Nobles summed up this summation with, “What others have suggested is all good, but we feel the Spirit of the Lord has birthed these specific mandates in our hearts. It is evident that the Lords hand is upon this outreach because He has been faithful to open the doors, and sending qualified, capable mentors, associates , and ministers for those things that He has purposed within his heart for the youth.
Brother Ken Bleu also added, " We are not trying to "make or get" God to do what "we want him to do", or think is right, but rather making our lives available to being a minister, which is a "servant" in its purest sense."
"One could say that we are just being “obedient” to God's (whom is Love, 1 John 4:8) heart’s desires, by listening “attentively and intelligently” to the Lord's leading , which is all contained within the wisdom of the Word of God.
When we simply believe, meditate regularly and appropriate its truths and instructions, there is always a supernatural supply of Grace (divine influence upon the heart) with an “enabling and “want to” power to "Love others as we desire to be loved."
Since scripture plainly teaches that "Love is "something that one does", and Love always Gives"....John 3:16.... "For God so Loved, He "Gave", this is the evidence of Love in action and when one simply will purposely live in the lifestyle and power of being "other person centered", changed lives and a more positive society are inevitable." (Proverbs 19:21)..
"Essentially, it is living from the “inside” - “out” according to what we believe and not necessarily focusing on all the problems in the innercity so much that it discourages and spawns a sense of hoplelessness."
That is why we are “taking it to the streets." The streets are where the hurting, untutored, hopleless, and misled live their lives. I think everyone should be a willing vessel for such outreaches and as a result, specifically, we are witnesses to the question, “does God’s power work in the Ghetto or did Jesus come just for the suburbs”, with an affirmative answer of yes, it does”, he concluded.”
Urban Spirit Publishing
Prayerfully Consider Sowing a donation to this Ministry.. All gifts are tax deductable Luke 6:38
Photos of Youth Activies and the Saturday Winners Luncheon and Fellowship
Pastor Carleton Stock and Youth at the North Side Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Mo at one of the Winners Luncheons.
Youth Flag football Teams Ready to Fellowship
"Beloved, if God so Loved us, We ought also to Love one another" 1 John 4:11
Visit the HipHopHope Project
Click Here for the Hip Hope Project
Photo/Video Gallery
Rev. Ken Bleu, Gary Nobles, Minister Curtis Tisdale at the 'I'm Tired of Tripping Center", in East St. Louis
East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks with Nobles and other supporters at an April 2008 Rally to save the cities hospital.
You Tube Videos
Christian Activity Center - Clip #2 With Hope Anthem Music ..Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
The CAC is located in the Samuel Gompers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.cacesl.org/
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #4
://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project east st. louis illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and others.
The CAC is located in the Gumpers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.hiphopeproject.com
GROUND ZERO - Clip 1 - East St. Louis "Freedom Tour"
America on Monday, July 2, 1917. http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project:One Way Missionary Project; freedom Our first of many short clips of our "Freedom Tour" of East St. Louis to document the vision of The Hip Hope Project among friends, neighbors, pastors, volunteers and leaders of East St. Louis, Illinois.
The core vision of The Hip Hope Project mirrors East St. Louis Mayor, Alvin Park's "Life and Life More Abundantly" campaign to renew this community - and our world - from the ground up beginning with a restoration of hope in the minds, hearts and souls of people from all walks of life within and without the city, area, nation and the world at large.
The Hip Hope Project is not owned or controlled by any group or corporation. We are simply receiving, sharing and celebrating a divinely providential vision of hope that we believe is manifesting here in East St. Louis in miraculous ways.
As we later discovered, this clip was recorded beginning at 4:28 pm on Friday, May 2, 2008 at "GROUND ZERO" which is where the first shot was fired that killed the first black individual in the most horrific race riot in the history of the United States of America on Monday, July 2, 1917.
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #3 http://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project East St. Louis, Illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
History of Zoe Youth Ministries
The Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon programs are an extension of the 21st Century Youth Foundation Ministries. It is an Outreach designed to address the spiritual, physical, academic, and psychological balancing needs, of male and female children and young adults ages 6 -19 using revelatory and proven non religious, Christian principles, educational, mentorship, and recreational applications. The programs has been administered for a period of 34 weeks per year during the spring thru the beginning of the winter months since 2000 to date.
The ministry began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ, and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the infamous Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois in 1994.
within the current outreach to youth and young adults, the teaching of teamwork, character building, honesty, life principles, and integrity, were taught within the implementation of a flag football league competition each Saturday morning starting about 8:am and ending that afternoon around 3:pm -5:pm.
During these sessions, an average of anywhere between 30 - 70 youth would participate and also be administered biblically inspiring messages, prayer, free meals, personal counseling, and academic tutoring after the athletic competitions were concluded. Zoe Youth Ministries presently administers this much needed outreach each Saturday morning with the occasional volunteering of a few Adults living within the community, as well volunteers and friends of the ministrie that live in other cities.
With the support of pastors, friends, and associates, the ministry has been blessed to keep the programs intact for an extended period. We were also blessed with volunteers that would come to St. Louis from as far away as the city of Chicago, Illinois, that would travel to the St. Louis area during the weekends to volunteer in serving the outreaches needs and agendas.
The unique thing about this blessing was that although our basic youth clientele was African American, the Adult volunteers coming here from Chicago were Caucasian, Latino, and African American. Since the organization does not have its own building or facility, The need for a facility for tutoring during the week of school days, as well as a place of gathering and fellowshipping for a safe and positve enviroment were conducted in my home.
Gary Nobles said about the outreach, "Although my three bedroom home was not large enough to accomplish all that we set out to achieve and administer with the youth, the need was so great for this outreach that we often found many coming for assistance. Several of the children needing and requesting help with their school assignments or that needed to be in a positive environment had no where else to go, so we opened our home to them."
A facility for an "after school" - recreational program is much needed. The flag football outreach has seemed to be a good draw for many of the youth and also provides the opportunity for healthy competition, teamwork ethics, and positive fellowship and interactions with their opeers and community leaders on a regular basis. With the acquisition of an adequate facility, we can implement a daily Fellowship for the youth with free meals.. .
Additionally in the facility we can also offer curriculums such as performing arts, computer literacy, together with regular after school tutoring, employment skills training, a reading curriculum, and possible the production of a monthly local cable access television program produced by the youth participating, with supervision and management from a staff of volunteer Adults.
Although several adults in the community were instrumental in lending their support to the outreaches efforts, some of those that were notable to the ministries efforts were the founders and directors including myself, (AKA) Pastor Ken Bleu Campbell, aka "Rev. Ken Bleu Campbell", and "Brother Bleu" of Good Ground Ministries and Urban Spirit Publishing, Mr. Fred G. Smart of the National Productivity Group, Elder William Breit, executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc, Mr. Rick Mc Kinney, former professional sports athlete, Mr. Gary V. Nobles, also a former professional sports athlete, and Minister Curtis Tisdale, Jr. of Mt Paran Missionary Baptist Church in East St. Louis, Illinois..
Zoe Youth Ministries desires to network, unite, and partner with other similar youth outreaches and organizations interested in in combining cooperative efforts for the benefit of the youth and children .. Please use contact inormation below if you would like to network with us..
Winners Luncheon Outreach and the Zoe Youth Ministires Contact Information..
F. G. Smart
Log on to Brother Smarts informative, educational, and inspiring Website Blog by clicking the link below..
Fred Smart Site
» Friends and Supporters of Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon Outreaches..
F. Smart is a brother in Christ whom has been instrumental in supporting the outreaches of ZYM.
He is also one of the ministries positive Networkers and has personally traveled to St. Louis and Volunteered his time and and given resources while participating in the Saturday flag football league breakfast, prayer, and activites program.
Inspiring Testimonies..
Feb. 27, 2007, I personally prayed for a friend in my home town whose blood pressure was in danger of attracting a stroke. After a short prayer, I told her to go the doctor that day to check your blood pressure and it will be normal again and that the doctors would be amazed.
That is exactly what the Lord did because I saw the release in the Spirit! She is totally normal and is not suffering from the sickness she had before. It was a wonderful miracle.
Also, my right hand brother in Christ , Gary Nobles, prayed for our comrade Pastor Franz Sanon from Haiti later that day because the pastor had so much back pain that he could not get out of bed. After prayer, and about an hour later, he called and said that he was completely healed! No more back pain and he was up and about! Praise God!
Brother Bleu..
April, 2007.
Thank You Brother Tracy Fisher of Covenant Foods..
Brother Tracy Fisher of the Covenant Foods company in St. Louis, Missouri has also given us gifts of more than $2,000 worth of food for our programs (called "The Winners Luncheon and Discipleship Fellowship") .. Food gifts of cases of quarter pound beef hot dogs, bratwurst, 16 inch pepperoni pizzas, 12 inch cheese pizzas, 8 inch pizzas, several cases of push up ice cream units, Popsicles, cookie dough for baking cookies, 6 pound snickers candy bar cheesecakes, several cases of individual unit cheesecakes, juice, as well as cash gifts,) and as a result has just received the biggest deal of his Businesses endeavors..
Miracle Testimony of Healing..
A 35 year old Rochester, Washington woman whom had a history of breast cancer in her family and that was having trouble with a leakage in her breasts was totally resotred and healed after prayer during the third week of October, 2007.
She was prayed for over the telephone by one of the associates of the Zoe Youth Ministries and the next day she testified that the leakage had stopped completely and she was feeling aboslutley perfect! Wow! God certainly sent his word and healed her from all destruction! God is Good and his Word will work for you! Is. 53:5
Dear Brother, I don't know what it is about the wealth of wisdom you share with me, but everytime, without fail, they always make me cry. Maybe because inherently, it is what I truly believe about myself and am too embarassed to admit it because I am just so stuck on things I was told about myself growing up or maybe because after all that I have been through in life (parent's divorce, illness, death ...), change, now in my thirties, is fairly difficult. Truly, it is a very LARGE mountain to climb and at times I wonder if I will ever seize at least half of it, if not all.
Thank you for the wisdom you do have to impart. I do hope all is well with you and that you continue sahring your Love of with untold millions. Best Regards, Tib
Affiliate Sponsors that Support this Ministry With Purchases through Banners below....
Zoe Youth Ministries Winners Luncheon, Educational, & Recreational Disciple Outreach
One of the Zoë Youth Ministries Flag Football teams & ministry associate F. G. Smart with some of the ministries youth.. (Point to Photo, Right click mouse, and click "Show Picture" in menu if picture on this page does not appear.)
“According to the Grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the Foundation, and another builds upon it. But let every man take heed how he builds thereupon. For other Foundation can no man lay that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 3:10,11
Click the Link to Visit our> Youth Archive Blogs
Taking it to the Streets..
Youth Ministry Making Significant Strides to Disciple, Educate, and Empower Youth
Article From the Urban Spirit Empowerment Newsletter Publication..
Favor and Grace in Our Midst...
A great movement amongst the youth is taking place in north St. Louis County where former NFL wide receiver Gary Nobles and network associates have just completed the first phase of the Zoë Youth Ministries three phase vision implementation with the conclusion of a six month Discipleship for Christ outreach fellowship, entitled the Winners Luncheon.
During this period about eighty youth regularly attended the fellowship together with several adults that volunteered, as well as members of the churches the meetings were held. Free meals were offered in each meeting together with a culturally palatable and relevant, innovative presentation of the Gospel. Decisions for accepting Christ as savoir for the youth resulted and many of the youth also established personal camaraderie and mentorship's with the adult volunteers outside of the fellowship meetings.
Several volunteers offered their time, resources, and prayers in this implementation of the Winners Luncheon discipleship program. Nobles said, “We are grateful for those that took the time to “sow” into the lives and futures of the youth involved.
Included in this list are Elder William Breit, the executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc., whose provisions and intercessory prayer were invaluable, Tracy and Kim Fisher of Covenant Foods, inc. that cheerfully shared prayers, other resources, and more than generous supplies of food for the Winners luncheon outreach, Rev. Ken “Bleu” Campbell of Good Ground Ministries whom presented the gospel, gave resources, and administrated the correspondences, vision outline, and public relations aspects of the ministry, and Fred G. Smart of Chicago, Illinois, that shared not only financially but also made a personal trip to St. Louis and assisted in the outreach.
Others that were also significant and a great blessing to this mission were Bishop E. Dunn of Faith Christian Ministries that graced this fellowship outreach with the use of his church facilities for the Winners Luncheon, together with Pastor Carleton Stock and the board of directors of North Ministry Presbyterian Church, whom also graciously provided his churches facilities where the final six weeks of the fellowship were conducted.
Additionally, thanks to the contributions of fellowship mentor Deacon Larry Bonds, whom also donated soft drinks and provided much needed space in his home for storage of food for the luncheon, Minister Curtis Tisdale, Minister Elmer Moore, and those whom freely gave of their resources, time, and support, including Shawna Balde, Shelia Pargo, Pastor Fans Sanan, Walter Jeffries, Sr., Craig Nobles of Interscope Records, Walter McCovey of Los Angeles, California, S. Nobles, Leonard Jackson, and others.
This effort is a culmination of nine years of ministry extended to young, at-risk youth in the Black community which surprisingly began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois. This foundation progressed through the years and according to Nobles, the Grace of God enabled them to implement the outreach within an innovative impartation of the outreaches "power of Grace and Anointing entitled, “Peace, Purpose, and Provision”.
The "Peace" is based upon the presenting of the unconditional Love of God (salvation in Jesus Christ) first and foremost. Upon this “divine re-connection”, the peace of God within the heart accompanies the “salvation” and validates its authenticity and begins to "attract" the components of "Purpose" and "Provision".
After this, a personal understanding, direction, and guidance is then freely released into the heart concerning the “purpose” goals, aspirations, and dreams, that each individual aspires, or are predestined and gifted to do in this life.
The “gift”, as scripture teaches, “will make room for them”, and the “provisions”, including the networks, proper people, and financial resources necessary to carry out the purpose, are attracted in the “paths“ of their lives. Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
Community Youth Team Activity Council
“Our second phase vision is being initiated to continue implementing the disciple fellowship, educational, and recreational outreaches to the youth, and inviting others that also have a desire to positively touch the lives of our youth to unite their efforts with ours", Nobles added.
The outreach is also seeking to purchase a facility to house the ministry permanently and desire all that would want to share their support through tax deductible gifts to be encouraged to do so. If they wish to offer their resources or networks that provide any kind of ongoing educational, economic, or social building skills and programs and resources that might assist in further empowering our youth in the future, they are very much needed and appreciated, and more than welcome to “sow” with us in this mandate.”
Nobles added, "the Winners Luncheon fellowship is a type of church fellowship that is designed to be culturally palatable to today’s inner-city youth, whom would not normally attend any church service on a regular basis."
It is essentially, “taking the church to the streets, presenting innovative and relevant outreaches conducive to the youths environments, culture, mindset, and extending the proper spiritual, educational, social, and economic outreaches to address, equip, and better empower the youth within their communities.
“Our experience and scripture teaches us that one must “catch” a fish before he can “clean it up” or become a “fisher of men”. And in order to “catch the fish”, the hook alone without any “bait” is useless. Our “bait” is the Gospel of Jesus Christ together with the Winners Luncheon, and effective recreational, educational, personal mentorship, and “self help” employment outreaches and programs that inner-city youth can relate to.”
One of the most dynamic features of the ministries vision is the Community Youth Team Activity Council which has an active part in creating platforms for exposing, addressing, and challenging many of the social, educational, and economic issues that go uncontested, yet have a major effect upon the youth in our present society.
The Zoë Youth Fellowship outreach has also been fortunate to network with other national organizations such as Freedom Force, The “Light, Love, and Connectivity Outreach”, and others, for the purpose of combining their efforts and resources to address many issues that affect a youths perception and choices in today’s society.
Nobles added, "Our association with other youth organizations and other outreach organizations is to lend or network our efforts and support for mandates that address humanitarian, educational, economic, deceptive and negative media, and racial issues that clandestinely affect both the nations youth and adults. These are the primary things in society that are responsible for misleading or affecting the freedom, choices, values, and positive flourishing of today’s youth."
One of the more subtle and overlooked issues is the frankly false and misleading media offerings and advertising that is specifically aimed at capturing the attention of adolescents within their own communities through television, magazine, and the internet. Additionally, the fact that many “free” offers for video games and other prizes are extensively advertised, which are not in fact free at all, but rather conditional upon “the purchase of something else”, and in all aspects should be eliminated and deemed essentially illegal for merchants to advertise.
These scheme’s, camouflaged with the arm of “free speech” has been responsible for both luring and influencing the untutored mindsets of countless youth in our society and lessens the value and importance of honesty, hard work, and fairness.
An outreach is also planned to introduce legislation that will forbid any liquor store in the United States to sale candy to children also. Sadly, most are not aware that generally, liquor stores stationed in the inner-city are allowed to sale candy and snacks to children and seem to sell just as much candy to children as they do liquor to adults.
But this mixing of adult and youth in this kind of atmosphere is certainly not palatable for the younger generation or for the community in general. Quite frankly, this subtle scheme is to replace the numerous drinkers and weekend/holiday recreation drinkers with new ones, which are the kids, for the future.
Although It is up to the parents and concerned citizen's within the community to launch protests and sign petitions that forbids children to purchase anything whatsoever in the liquor stores, the Zoë Youth Ministries will be a spearhead in keeping this mandate in the forefront.
In passing legislation that forbids minors to purchase from liquor stores, it should include and any and ALL businesses that sell any kind of alcoholic beverages. This kind of city ordinance will see to it that new businesses and entrepreneurs in the future separate adult targeted business that children and youth do not have access.
Another area of concern for one of our action committees is “calling the thriving porn industry to the carpet” for their porn sites on the internet. Statistics say that 61% of all internet publishing's in 2002 are pornography. Since their inception on the wide world web, the porn industry have made these sites accessible to any youth, unless they have personal parental intervention that blocks the possibility of being solicited as a potential or future customer for the industry. But not much is being done to protect the children and youth in society from these luring’s.
The porn industries criteria in accessing these sites is minuscule in hindering minors because they only require that one must merely click a link stating that they are at least 18 years or age without any validation or proof. We believe that there should be a state ID required that is linked to these merchants to insure that the ages are appropriate for this kind of material.
“These are examples as to the kind of issues that the Zoë Youth Community Youth Team Activity Council are addressing", Nobles said. "We believe that our ongoing discipleship, recreational, educational, and mentorship outreaches, will certainly pay great dividends for all the lives of those involved.” Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
One of the frequent volunteer ministers, whom is a also regular personal mentor to many of the youth added , “We certainly appreciate those that have helped us throughout this outreach although many did not continue with us due to their unwillingness to lend their support to the foundation that had already been laid by the volunteers and associates up to this point.
Unfortunately, others that have shared their time for the ministry had motives preferring to steer the organization in a direction that was not compatible with the “Peace, Purpose, and Provision” structure already intact and ongoing with the youth.
Curtis Tisdale, a former popluar rapper that use to open up concerts for the poplular rapper "Eight Ball", said, "Some of the people that joined us had great ideas and concerns but seemed to venture contrary to the emphasis of discipleship for Christ first and foremost. This is the primary objective for the ministry and the pursuit of other ideas and programs that were introduced from others ranged from assisting the elderly to soliciting funds for their own individual entrepreneurial concerns. All these things are okay but the mandate of this ministry is to administer the anointing and Love of Christ so that many will know what their purpose in life is.”
Nobles summed up this summation with, “What others have suggested is all good, but we feel the Spirit of the Lord has birthed these specific mandates in our hearts. It is evident that the Lords hand is upon this outreach because He has been faithful to open the doors, and sending qualified, capable mentors, associates , and ministers for those things that He has purposed within his heart for the youth.
Brother Ken Bleu also added, " We are not trying to "make or get" God to do what "we want him to do", or think is right, but rather making our lives available to being a minister, which is a "servant" in its purest sense."
"One could say that we are just being “obedient” to God's (whom is Love, 1 John 4:8) heart’s desires, by listening “attentively and intelligently” to the Lord's leading , which is all contained within the wisdom of the Word of God.
When we simply believe, meditate regularly and appropriate its truths and instructions, there is always a supernatural supply of Grace (divine influence upon the heart) with an “enabling and “want to” power to "Love others as we desire to be loved."
Since scripture plainly teaches that "Love is "something that one does", and Love always Gives"....John 3:16.... "For God so Loved, He "Gave", this is the evidence of Love in action and when one simply will purposely live in the lifestyle and power of being "other person centered", changed lives and a more positive society are inevitable." (Proverbs 19:21)..
"Essentially, it is living from the “inside” - “out” according to what we believe and not necessarily focusing on all the problems in the innercity so much that it discourages and spawns a sense of hoplelessness."
That is why we are “taking it to the streets." The streets are where the hurting, untutored, hopleless, and misled live their lives. I think everyone should be a willing vessel for such outreaches and as a result, specifically, we are witnesses to the question, “does God’s power work in the Ghetto or did Jesus come just for the suburbs”, with an affirmative answer of yes, it does”, he concluded.”
Urban Spirit Publishing
Prayerfully Consider Sowing a donation to this Ministry.. All gifts are tax deductable Luke 6:38
Photos of Youth Activies and the Saturday Winners Luncheon and Fellowship
Pastor Carleton Stock and Youth at the North Side Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Mo at one of the Winners Luncheons.
Youth Flag football Teams Ready to Fellowship
"Beloved, if God so Loved us, We ought also to Love one another" 1 John 4:11
Visit the HipHopHope Project
Click Here for the Hip Hope Project
Photo/Video Gallery
Rev. Ken Bleu, Gary Nobles, Minister Curtis Tisdale at the 'I'm Tired of Tripping Center", in East St. Louis
East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks with Nobles and other supporters at an April 2008 Rally to save the cities hospital.
You Tube Videos
Christian Activity Center - Clip #2 With Hope Anthem Music ..Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
The CAC is located in the Samuel Gompers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.cacesl.org/
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #4
://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project east st. louis illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and others.
The CAC is located in the Gumpers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.hiphopeproject.com
GROUND ZERO - Clip 1 - East St. Louis "Freedom Tour"
America on Monday, July 2, 1917. http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project:One Way Missionary Project; freedom Our first of many short clips of our "Freedom Tour" of East St. Louis to document the vision of The Hip Hope Project among friends, neighbors, pastors, volunteers and leaders of East St. Louis, Illinois.
The core vision of The Hip Hope Project mirrors East St. Louis Mayor, Alvin Park's "Life and Life More Abundantly" campaign to renew this community - and our world - from the ground up beginning with a restoration of hope in the minds, hearts and souls of people from all walks of life within and without the city, area, nation and the world at large.
The Hip Hope Project is not owned or controlled by any group or corporation. We are simply receiving, sharing and celebrating a divinely providential vision of hope that we believe is manifesting here in East St. Louis in miraculous ways.
As we later discovered, this clip was recorded beginning at 4:28 pm on Friday, May 2, 2008 at "GROUND ZERO" which is where the first shot was fired that killed the first black individual in the most horrific race riot in the history of the United States of America on Monday, July 2, 1917.
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #3 http://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project East St. Louis, Illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
History of Zoe Youth Ministries
The Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon programs are an extension of the 21st Century Youth Foundation Ministries. It is an Outreach designed to address the spiritual, physical, academic, and psychological balancing needs, of male and female children and young adults ages 6 -19 using revelatory and proven non religious, Christian principles, educational, mentorship, and recreational applications. The programs has been administered for a period of 34 weeks per year during the spring thru the beginning of the winter months since 2000 to date.
The ministry began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ, and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the infamous Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois in 1994.
within the current outreach to youth and young adults, the teaching of teamwork, character building, honesty, life principles, and integrity, were taught within the implementation of a flag football league competition each Saturday morning starting about 8:am and ending that afternoon around 3:pm -5:pm.
During these sessions, an average of anywhere between 30 - 70 youth would participate and also be administered biblically inspiring messages, prayer, free meals, personal counseling, and academic tutoring after the athletic competitions were concluded. Zoe Youth Ministries presently administers this much needed outreach each Saturday morning with the occasional volunteering of a few Adults living within the community, as well volunteers and friends of the ministrie that live in other cities.
With the support of pastors, friends, and associates, the ministry has been blessed to keep the programs intact for an extended period. We were also blessed with volunteers that would come to St. Louis from as far away as the city of Chicago, Illinois, that would travel to the St. Louis area during the weekends to volunteer in serving the outreaches needs and agendas.
The unique thing about this blessing was that although our basic youth clientele was African American, the Adult volunteers coming here from Chicago were Caucasian, Latino, and African American. Since the organization does not have its own building or facility, The need for a facility for tutoring during the week of school days, as well as a place of gathering and fellowshipping for a safe and positve enviroment were conducted in my home.
Gary Nobles said about the outreach, "Although my three bedroom home was not large enough to accomplish all that we set out to achieve and administer with the youth, the need was so great for this outreach that we often found many coming for assistance. Several of the children needing and requesting help with their school assignments or that needed to be in a positive environment had no where else to go, so we opened our home to them."
A facility for an "after school" - recreational program is much needed. The flag football outreach has seemed to be a good draw for many of the youth and also provides the opportunity for healthy competition, teamwork ethics, and positive fellowship and interactions with their opeers and community leaders on a regular basis. With the acquisition of an adequate facility, we can implement a daily Fellowship for the youth with free meals.. .
Additionally in the facility we can also offer curriculums such as performing arts, computer literacy, together with regular after school tutoring, employment skills training, a reading curriculum, and possible the production of a monthly local cable access television program produced by the youth participating, with supervision and management from a staff of volunteer Adults.
Although several adults in the community were instrumental in lending their support to the outreaches efforts, some of those that were notable to the ministries efforts were the founders and directors including myself, (AKA) Pastor Ken Bleu Campbell, aka "Rev. Ken Bleu Campbell", and "Brother Bleu" of Good Ground Ministries and Urban Spirit Publishing, Mr. Fred G. Smart of the National Productivity Group, Elder William Breit, executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc, Mr. Rick Mc Kinney, former professional sports athlete, Mr. Gary V. Nobles, also a former professional sports athlete, and Minister Curtis Tisdale, Jr. of Mt Paran Missionary Baptist Church in East St. Louis, Illinois..
Zoe Youth Ministries desires to network, unite, and partner with other similar youth outreaches and organizations interested in in combining cooperative efforts for the benefit of the youth and children .. Please use contact inormation below if you would like to network with us..
Winners Luncheon Outreach and the Zoe Youth Ministires Contact Information..
F. G. Smart
Log on to Brother Smarts informative, educational, and inspiring Website Blog by clicking the link below..
Fred Smart Site
» Friends and Supporters of Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon Outreaches..
F. Smart is a brother in Christ whom has been instrumental in supporting the outreaches of ZYM.
He is also one of the ministries positive Networkers and has personally traveled to St. Louis and Volunteered his time and and given resources while participating in the Saturday flag football league breakfast, prayer, and activites program.
Inspiring Testimonies..
Feb. 27, 2007, I personally prayed for a friend in my home town whose blood pressure was in danger of attracting a stroke. After a short prayer, I told her to go the doctor that day to check your blood pressure and it will be normal again and that the doctors would be amazed.
That is exactly what the Lord did because I saw the release in the Spirit! She is totally normal and is not suffering from the sickness she had before. It was a wonderful miracle.
Also, my right hand brother in Christ , Gary Nobles, prayed for our comrade Pastor Franz Sanon from Haiti later that day because the pastor had so much back pain that he could not get out of bed. After prayer, and about an hour later, he called and said that he was completely healed! No more back pain and he was up and about! Praise God!
Brother Bleu..
April, 2007.
Thank You Brother Tracy Fisher of Covenant Foods..
Brother Tracy Fisher of the Covenant Foods company in St. Louis, Missouri has also given us gifts of more than $2,000 worth of food for our programs (called "The Winners Luncheon and Discipleship Fellowship") .. Food gifts of cases of quarter pound beef hot dogs, bratwurst, 16 inch pepperoni pizzas, 12 inch cheese pizzas, 8 inch pizzas, several cases of push up ice cream units, Popsicles, cookie dough for baking cookies, 6 pound snickers candy bar cheesecakes, several cases of individual unit cheesecakes, juice, as well as cash gifts,) and as a result has just received the biggest deal of his Businesses endeavors..
Miracle Testimony of Healing..
A 35 year old Rochester, Washington woman whom had a history of breast cancer in her family and that was having trouble with a leakage in her breasts was totally resotred and healed after prayer during the third week of October, 2007.
She was prayed for over the telephone by one of the associates of the Zoe Youth Ministries and the next day she testified that the leakage had stopped completely and she was feeling aboslutley perfect! Wow! God certainly sent his word and healed her from all destruction! God is Good and his Word will work for you! Is. 53:5
Dear Brother, I don't know what it is about the wealth of wisdom you share with me, but everytime, without fail, they always make me cry. Maybe because inherently, it is what I truly believe about myself and am too embarassed to admit it because I am just so stuck on things I was told about myself growing up or maybe because after all that I have been through in life (parent's divorce, illness, death ...), change, now in my thirties, is fairly difficult. Truly, it is a very LARGE mountain to climb and at times I wonder if I will ever seize at least half of it, if not all.
Thank you for the wisdom you do have to impart. I do hope all is well with you and that you continue sahring your Love of with untold millions. Best Regards, Tib
Affiliate Sponsors that Support this Ministry With Purchases through Banners below....
Zoe Youth Ministries Winners Luncheon, Educational, & Recreational Disciple Outreach
One of the Zoë Youth Ministries Flag Football teams & ministry associate F. G. Smart with some of the ministries youth.. (Point to Photo, Right click mouse, and click "Show Picture" in menu if picture on this page does not appear.)
“According to the Grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the Foundation, and another builds upon it. But let every man take heed how he builds thereupon. For other Foundation can no man lay that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 3:10,11
Click the Link to Visit our> Youth Archive Blogs
Taking it to the Streets..
Youth Ministry Making Significant Strides to Disciple, Educate, and Empower Youth
Article From the Urban Spirit Empowerment Newsletter Publication..
Favor and Grace in Our Midst...
A great movement amongst the youth is taking place in north St. Louis County where former NFL wide receiver Gary Nobles and network associates have just completed the first phase of the Zoë Youth Ministries three phase vision implementation with the conclusion of a six month Discipleship for Christ outreach fellowship, entitled the Winners Luncheon.
During this period about eighty youth regularly attended the fellowship together with several adults that volunteered, as well as members of the churches the meetings were held. Free meals were offered in each meeting together with a culturally palatable and relevant, innovative presentation of the Gospel. Decisions for accepting Christ as savoir for the youth resulted and many of the youth also established personal camaraderie and mentorship's with the adult volunteers outside of the fellowship meetings.
Several volunteers offered their time, resources, and prayers in this implementation of the Winners Luncheon discipleship program. Nobles said, “We are grateful for those that took the time to “sow” into the lives and futures of the youth involved.
Included in this list are Elder William Breit, the executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc., whose provisions and intercessory prayer were invaluable, Tracy and Kim Fisher of Covenant Foods, inc. that cheerfully shared prayers, other resources, and more than generous supplies of food for the Winners luncheon outreach, Rev. Ken “Bleu” Campbell of Good Ground Ministries whom presented the gospel, gave resources, and administrated the correspondences, vision outline, and public relations aspects of the ministry, and Fred G. Smart of Chicago, Illinois, that shared not only financially but also made a personal trip to St. Louis and assisted in the outreach.
Others that were also significant and a great blessing to this mission were Bishop E. Dunn of Faith Christian Ministries that graced this fellowship outreach with the use of his church facilities for the Winners Luncheon, together with Pastor Carleton Stock and the board of directors of North Ministry Presbyterian Church, whom also graciously provided his churches facilities where the final six weeks of the fellowship were conducted.
Additionally, thanks to the contributions of fellowship mentor Deacon Larry Bonds, whom also donated soft drinks and provided much needed space in his home for storage of food for the luncheon, Minister Curtis Tisdale, Minister Elmer Moore, and those whom freely gave of their resources, time, and support, including Shawna Balde, Shelia Pargo, Pastor Fans Sanan, Walter Jeffries, Sr., Craig Nobles of Interscope Records, Walter McCovey of Los Angeles, California, S. Nobles, Leonard Jackson, and others.
This effort is a culmination of nine years of ministry extended to young, at-risk youth in the Black community which surprisingly began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois. This foundation progressed through the years and according to Nobles, the Grace of God enabled them to implement the outreach within an innovative impartation of the outreaches "power of Grace and Anointing entitled, “Peace, Purpose, and Provision”.
The "Peace" is based upon the presenting of the unconditional Love of God (salvation in Jesus Christ) first and foremost. Upon this “divine re-connection”, the peace of God within the heart accompanies the “salvation” and validates its authenticity and begins to "attract" the components of "Purpose" and "Provision".
After this, a personal understanding, direction, and guidance is then freely released into the heart concerning the “purpose” goals, aspirations, and dreams, that each individual aspires, or are predestined and gifted to do in this life.
The “gift”, as scripture teaches, “will make room for them”, and the “provisions”, including the networks, proper people, and financial resources necessary to carry out the purpose, are attracted in the “paths“ of their lives. Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
Community Youth Team Activity Council
“Our second phase vision is being initiated to continue implementing the disciple fellowship, educational, and recreational outreaches to the youth, and inviting others that also have a desire to positively touch the lives of our youth to unite their efforts with ours", Nobles added.
The outreach is also seeking to purchase a facility to house the ministry permanently and desire all that would want to share their support through tax deductible gifts to be encouraged to do so. If they wish to offer their resources or networks that provide any kind of ongoing educational, economic, or social building skills and programs and resources that might assist in further empowering our youth in the future, they are very much needed and appreciated, and more than welcome to “sow” with us in this mandate.”
Nobles added, "the Winners Luncheon fellowship is a type of church fellowship that is designed to be culturally palatable to today’s inner-city youth, whom would not normally attend any church service on a regular basis."
It is essentially, “taking the church to the streets, presenting innovative and relevant outreaches conducive to the youths environments, culture, mindset, and extending the proper spiritual, educational, social, and economic outreaches to address, equip, and better empower the youth within their communities.
“Our experience and scripture teaches us that one must “catch” a fish before he can “clean it up” or become a “fisher of men”. And in order to “catch the fish”, the hook alone without any “bait” is useless. Our “bait” is the Gospel of Jesus Christ together with the Winners Luncheon, and effective recreational, educational, personal mentorship, and “self help” employment outreaches and programs that inner-city youth can relate to.”
One of the most dynamic features of the ministries vision is the Community Youth Team Activity Council which has an active part in creating platforms for exposing, addressing, and challenging many of the social, educational, and economic issues that go uncontested, yet have a major effect upon the youth in our present society.
The Zoë Youth Fellowship outreach has also been fortunate to network with other national organizations such as Freedom Force, The “Light, Love, and Connectivity Outreach”, and others, for the purpose of combining their efforts and resources to address many issues that affect a youths perception and choices in today’s society.
Nobles added, "Our association with other youth organizations and other outreach organizations is to lend or network our efforts and support for mandates that address humanitarian, educational, economic, deceptive and negative media, and racial issues that clandestinely affect both the nations youth and adults. These are the primary things in society that are responsible for misleading or affecting the freedom, choices, values, and positive flourishing of today’s youth."
One of the more subtle and overlooked issues is the frankly false and misleading media offerings and advertising that is specifically aimed at capturing the attention of adolescents within their own communities through television, magazine, and the internet. Additionally, the fact that many “free” offers for video games and other prizes are extensively advertised, which are not in fact free at all, but rather conditional upon “the purchase of something else”, and in all aspects should be eliminated and deemed essentially illegal for merchants to advertise.
These scheme’s, camouflaged with the arm of “free speech” has been responsible for both luring and influencing the untutored mindsets of countless youth in our society and lessens the value and importance of honesty, hard work, and fairness.
An outreach is also planned to introduce legislation that will forbid any liquor store in the United States to sale candy to children also. Sadly, most are not aware that generally, liquor stores stationed in the inner-city are allowed to sale candy and snacks to children and seem to sell just as much candy to children as they do liquor to adults.
But this mixing of adult and youth in this kind of atmosphere is certainly not palatable for the younger generation or for the community in general. Quite frankly, this subtle scheme is to replace the numerous drinkers and weekend/holiday recreation drinkers with new ones, which are the kids, for the future.
Although It is up to the parents and concerned citizen's within the community to launch protests and sign petitions that forbids children to purchase anything whatsoever in the liquor stores, the Zoë Youth Ministries will be a spearhead in keeping this mandate in the forefront.
In passing legislation that forbids minors to purchase from liquor stores, it should include and any and ALL businesses that sell any kind of alcoholic beverages. This kind of city ordinance will see to it that new businesses and entrepreneurs in the future separate adult targeted business that children and youth do not have access.
Another area of concern for one of our action committees is “calling the thriving porn industry to the carpet” for their porn sites on the internet. Statistics say that 61% of all internet publishing's in 2002 are pornography. Since their inception on the wide world web, the porn industry have made these sites accessible to any youth, unless they have personal parental intervention that blocks the possibility of being solicited as a potential or future customer for the industry. But not much is being done to protect the children and youth in society from these luring’s.
The porn industries criteria in accessing these sites is minuscule in hindering minors because they only require that one must merely click a link stating that they are at least 18 years or age without any validation or proof. We believe that there should be a state ID required that is linked to these merchants to insure that the ages are appropriate for this kind of material.
“These are examples as to the kind of issues that the Zoë Youth Community Youth Team Activity Council are addressing", Nobles said. "We believe that our ongoing discipleship, recreational, educational, and mentorship outreaches, will certainly pay great dividends for all the lives of those involved.” Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
One of the frequent volunteer ministers, whom is a also regular personal mentor to many of the youth added , “We certainly appreciate those that have helped us throughout this outreach although many did not continue with us due to their unwillingness to lend their support to the foundation that had already been laid by the volunteers and associates up to this point.
Unfortunately, others that have shared their time for the ministry had motives preferring to steer the organization in a direction that was not compatible with the “Peace, Purpose, and Provision” structure already intact and ongoing with the youth.
Curtis Tisdale, a former popluar rapper that use to open up concerts for the poplular rapper "Eight Ball", said, "Some of the people that joined us had great ideas and concerns but seemed to venture contrary to the emphasis of discipleship for Christ first and foremost. This is the primary objective for the ministry and the pursuit of other ideas and programs that were introduced from others ranged from assisting the elderly to soliciting funds for their own individual entrepreneurial concerns. All these things are okay but the mandate of this ministry is to administer the anointing and Love of Christ so that many will know what their purpose in life is.”
Nobles summed up this summation with, “What others have suggested is all good, but we feel the Spirit of the Lord has birthed these specific mandates in our hearts. It is evident that the Lords hand is upon this outreach because He has been faithful to open the doors, and sending qualified, capable mentors, associates , and ministers for those things that He has purposed within his heart for the youth.
Brother Ken Bleu also added, " We are not trying to "make or get" God to do what "we want him to do", or think is right, but rather making our lives available to being a minister, which is a "servant" in its purest sense."
"One could say that we are just being “obedient” to God's (whom is Love, 1 John 4:8) heart’s desires, by listening “attentively and intelligently” to the Lord's leading , which is all contained within the wisdom of the Word of God.
When we simply believe, meditate regularly and appropriate its truths and instructions, there is always a supernatural supply of Grace (divine influence upon the heart) with an “enabling and “want to” power to "Love others as we desire to be loved."
Since scripture plainly teaches that "Love is "something that one does", and Love always Gives"....John 3:16.... "For God so Loved, He "Gave", this is the evidence of Love in action and when one simply will purposely live in the lifestyle and power of being "other person centered", changed lives and a more positive society are inevitable." (Proverbs 19:21)..
"Essentially, it is living from the “inside” - “out” according to what we believe and not necessarily focusing on all the problems in the innercity so much that it discourages and spawns a sense of hoplelessness."
That is why we are “taking it to the streets." The streets are where the hurting, untutored, hopleless, and misled live their lives. I think everyone should be a willing vessel for such outreaches and as a result, specifically, we are witnesses to the question, “does God’s power work in the Ghetto or did Jesus come just for the suburbs”, with an affirmative answer of yes, it does”, he concluded.”
Urban Spirit Publishing
Prayerfully Consider Sowing a donation to this Ministry.. All gifts are tax deductable Luke 6:38
Photos of Youth Activies and the Saturday Winners Luncheon and Fellowship
Pastor Carleton Stock and Youth at the North Side Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Mo at one of the Winners Luncheons.
Youth Flag football Teams Ready to Fellowship
"Beloved, if God so Loved us, We ought also to Love one another" 1 John 4:11
Visit the HipHopHope Project
Click Here for the Hip Hope Project
Photo/Video Gallery
Rev. Ken Bleu, Gary Nobles, Minister Curtis Tisdale at the 'I'm Tired of Tripping Center", in East St. Louis
East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks with Nobles and other supporters at an April 2008 Rally to save the cities hospital.
You Tube Videos
Christian Activity Center - Clip #2 With Hope Anthem Music ..Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
The CAC is located in the Samuel Gompers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.cacesl.org/
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #4
://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project east st. louis illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and others.
The CAC is located in the Gumpers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.hiphopeproject.com
GROUND ZERO - Clip 1 - East St. Louis "Freedom Tour"
America on Monday, July 2, 1917. http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project:One Way Missionary Project; freedom Our first of many short clips of our "Freedom Tour" of East St. Louis to document the vision of The Hip Hope Project among friends, neighbors, pastors, volunteers and leaders of East St. Louis, Illinois.
The core vision of The Hip Hope Project mirrors East St. Louis Mayor, Alvin Park's "Life and Life More Abundantly" campaign to renew this community - and our world - from the ground up beginning with a restoration of hope in the minds, hearts and souls of people from all walks of life within and without the city, area, nation and the world at large.
The Hip Hope Project is not owned or controlled by any group or corporation. We are simply receiving, sharing and celebrating a divinely providential vision of hope that we believe is manifesting here in East St. Louis in miraculous ways.
As we later discovered, this clip was recorded beginning at 4:28 pm on Friday, May 2, 2008 at "GROUND ZERO" which is where the first shot was fired that killed the first black individual in the most horrific race riot in the history of the United States of America on Monday, July 2, 1917.
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #3 http://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project East St. Louis, Illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
History of Zoe Youth Ministries
The Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon programs are an extension of the 21st Century Youth Foundation Ministries. It is an Outreach designed to address the spiritual, physical, academic, and psychological balancing needs, of male and female children and young adults ages 6 -19 using revelatory and proven non religious, Christian principles, educational, mentorship, and recreational applications. The programs has been administered for a period of 34 weeks per year during the spring thru the beginning of the winter months since 2000 to date.
The ministry began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ, and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the infamous Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois in 1994.
within the current outreach to youth and young adults, the teaching of teamwork, character building, honesty, life principles, and integrity, were taught within the implementation of a flag football league competition each Saturday morning starting about 8:am and ending that afternoon around 3:pm -5:pm.
During these sessions, an average of anywhere between 30 - 70 youth would participate and also be administered biblically inspiring messages, prayer, free meals, personal counseling, and academic tutoring after the athletic competitions were concluded. Zoe Youth Ministries presently administers this much needed outreach each Saturday morning with the occasional volunteering of a few Adults living within the community, as well volunteers and friends of the ministrie that live in other cities.
With the support of pastors, friends, and associates, the ministry has been blessed to keep the programs intact for an extended period. We were also blessed with volunteers that would come to St. Louis from as far away as the city of Chicago, Illinois, that would travel to the St. Louis area during the weekends to volunteer in serving the outreaches needs and agendas.
The unique thing about this blessing was that although our basic youth clientele was African American, the Adult volunteers coming here from Chicago were Caucasian, Latino, and African American. Since the organization does not have its own building or facility, The need for a facility for tutoring during the week of school days, as well as a place of gathering and fellowshipping for a safe and positve enviroment were conducted in my home.
Gary Nobles said about the outreach, "Although my three bedroom home was not large enough to accomplish all that we set out to achieve and administer with the youth, the need was so great for this outreach that we often found many coming for assistance. Several of the children needing and requesting help with their school assignments or that needed to be in a positive environment had no where else to go, so we opened our home to them."
A facility for an "after school" - recreational program is much needed. The flag football outreach has seemed to be a good draw for many of the youth and also provides the opportunity for healthy competition, teamwork ethics, and positive fellowship and interactions with their opeers and community leaders on a regular basis. With the acquisition of an adequate facility, we can implement a daily Fellowship for the youth with free meals.. .
Additionally in the facility we can also offer curriculums such as performing arts, computer literacy, together with regular after school tutoring, employment skills training, a reading curriculum, and possible the production of a monthly local cable access television program produced by the youth participating, with supervision and management from a staff of volunteer Adults.
Although several adults in the community were instrumental in lending their support to the outreaches efforts, some of those that were notable to the ministries efforts were the founders and directors including myself, (AKA) Pastor Ken Bleu Campbell, aka "Rev. Ken Bleu Campbell", and "Brother Bleu" of Good Ground Ministries and Urban Spirit Publishing, Mr. Fred G. Smart of the National Productivity Group, Elder William Breit, executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc, Mr. Rick Mc Kinney, former professional sports athlete, Mr. Gary V. Nobles, also a former professional sports athlete, and Minister Curtis Tisdale, Jr. of Mt Paran Missionary Baptist Church in East St. Louis, Illinois..
Zoe Youth Ministries desires to network, unite, and partner with other similar youth outreaches and organizations interested in in combining cooperative efforts for the benefit of the youth and children .. Please use contact inormation below if you would like to network with us..
Winners Luncheon Outreach and the Zoe Youth Ministires Contact Information..
F. G. Smart
Log on to Brother Smarts informative, educational, and inspiring Website Blog by clicking the link below..
Fred Smart Site
» Friends and Supporters of Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon Outreaches..
F. Smart is a brother in Christ whom has been instrumental in supporting the outreaches of ZYM.
He is also one of the ministries positive Networkers and has personally traveled to St. Louis and Volunteered his time and and given resources while participating in the Saturday flag football league breakfast, prayer, and activites program.
Inspiring Testimonies..
Feb. 27, 2007, I personally prayed for a friend in my home town whose blood pressure was in danger of attracting a stroke. After a short prayer, I told her to go the doctor that day to check your blood pressure and it will be normal again and that the doctors would be amazed.
That is exactly what the Lord did because I saw the release in the Spirit! She is totally normal and is not suffering from the sickness she had before. It was a wonderful miracle.
Also, my right hand brother in Christ , Gary Nobles, prayed for our comrade Pastor Franz Sanon from Haiti later that day because the pastor had so much back pain that he could not get out of bed. After prayer, and about an hour later, he called and said that he was completely healed! No more back pain and he was up and about! Praise God!
Brother Bleu..
April, 2007.
Thank You Brother Tracy Fisher of Covenant Foods..
Brother Tracy Fisher of the Covenant Foods company in St. Louis, Missouri has also given us gifts of more than $2,000 worth of food for our programs (called "The Winners Luncheon and Discipleship Fellowship") .. Food gifts of cases of quarter pound beef hot dogs, bratwurst, 16 inch pepperoni pizzas, 12 inch cheese pizzas, 8 inch pizzas, several cases of push up ice cream units, Popsicles, cookie dough for baking cookies, 6 pound snickers candy bar cheesecakes, several cases of individual unit cheesecakes, juice, as well as cash gifts,) and as a result has just received the biggest deal of his Businesses endeavors..
Miracle Testimony of Healing..
A 35 year old Rochester, Washington woman whom had a history of breast cancer in her family and that was having trouble with a leakage in her breasts was totally resotred and healed after prayer during the third week of October, 2007.
She was prayed for over the telephone by one of the associates of the Zoe Youth Ministries and the next day she testified that the leakage had stopped completely and she was feeling aboslutley perfect! Wow! God certainly sent his word and healed her from all destruction! God is Good and his Word will work for you! Is. 53:5
Dear Brother, I don't know what it is about the wealth of wisdom you share with me, but everytime, without fail, they always make me cry. Maybe because inherently, it is what I truly believe about myself and am too embarassed to admit it because I am just so stuck on things I was told about myself growing up or maybe because after all that I have been through in life (parent's divorce, illness, death ...), change, now in my thirties, is fairly difficult. Truly, it is a very LARGE mountain to climb and at times I wonder if I will ever seize at least half of it, if not all.
Thank you for the wisdom you do have to impart. I do hope all is well with you and that you continue sahring your Love of with untold millions. Best Regards, Tib
Affiliate Sponsors that Support this Ministry With Purchases through Banners below....
Zoe Youth Ministries Winners Luncheon, Educational, & Recreational Disciple Outreach
One of the Zoë Youth Ministries Flag Football teams & ministry associate F. G. Smart with some of the ministries youth.. (Point to Photo, Right click mouse, and click "Show Picture" in menu if picture on this page does not appear.)
“According to the Grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the Foundation, and another builds upon it. But let every man take heed how he builds thereupon. For other Foundation can no man lay that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 3:10,11
Click the Link to Visit our> Youth Archive Blogs
Taking it to the Streets..
Youth Ministry Making Significant Strides to Disciple, Educate, and Empower Youth
Article From the Urban Spirit Empowerment Newsletter Publication..
Favor and Grace in Our Midst...
A great movement amongst the youth is taking place in north St. Louis County where former NFL wide receiver Gary Nobles and network associates have just completed the first phase of the Zoë Youth Ministries three phase vision implementation with the conclusion of a six month Discipleship for Christ outreach fellowship, entitled the Winners Luncheon.
During this period about eighty youth regularly attended the fellowship together with several adults that volunteered, as well as members of the churches the meetings were held. Free meals were offered in each meeting together with a culturally palatable and relevant, innovative presentation of the Gospel. Decisions for accepting Christ as savoir for the youth resulted and many of the youth also established personal camaraderie and mentorship's with the adult volunteers outside of the fellowship meetings.
Several volunteers offered their time, resources, and prayers in this implementation of the Winners Luncheon discipleship program. Nobles said, “We are grateful for those that took the time to “sow” into the lives and futures of the youth involved.
Included in this list are Elder William Breit, the executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc., whose provisions and intercessory prayer were invaluable, Tracy and Kim Fisher of Covenant Foods, inc. that cheerfully shared prayers, other resources, and more than generous supplies of food for the Winners luncheon outreach, Rev. Ken “Bleu” Campbell of Good Ground Ministries whom presented the gospel, gave resources, and administrated the correspondences, vision outline, and public relations aspects of the ministry, and Fred G. Smart of Chicago, Illinois, that shared not only financially but also made a personal trip to St. Louis and assisted in the outreach.
Others that were also significant and a great blessing to this mission were Bishop E. Dunn of Faith Christian Ministries that graced this fellowship outreach with the use of his church facilities for the Winners Luncheon, together with Pastor Carleton Stock and the board of directors of North Ministry Presbyterian Church, whom also graciously provided his churches facilities where the final six weeks of the fellowship were conducted.
Additionally, thanks to the contributions of fellowship mentor Deacon Larry Bonds, whom also donated soft drinks and provided much needed space in his home for storage of food for the luncheon, Minister Curtis Tisdale, Minister Elmer Moore, and those whom freely gave of their resources, time, and support, including Shawna Balde, Shelia Pargo, Pastor Fans Sanan, Walter Jeffries, Sr., Craig Nobles of Interscope Records, Walter McCovey of Los Angeles, California, S. Nobles, Leonard Jackson, and others.
This effort is a culmination of nine years of ministry extended to young, at-risk youth in the Black community which surprisingly began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois. This foundation progressed through the years and according to Nobles, the Grace of God enabled them to implement the outreach within an innovative impartation of the outreaches "power of Grace and Anointing entitled, “Peace, Purpose, and Provision”.
The "Peace" is based upon the presenting of the unconditional Love of God (salvation in Jesus Christ) first and foremost. Upon this “divine re-connection”, the peace of God within the heart accompanies the “salvation” and validates its authenticity and begins to "attract" the components of "Purpose" and "Provision".
After this, a personal understanding, direction, and guidance is then freely released into the heart concerning the “purpose” goals, aspirations, and dreams, that each individual aspires, or are predestined and gifted to do in this life.
The “gift”, as scripture teaches, “will make room for them”, and the “provisions”, including the networks, proper people, and financial resources necessary to carry out the purpose, are attracted in the “paths“ of their lives. Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
Community Youth Team Activity Council
“Our second phase vision is being initiated to continue implementing the disciple fellowship, educational, and recreational outreaches to the youth, and inviting others that also have a desire to positively touch the lives of our youth to unite their efforts with ours", Nobles added.
The outreach is also seeking to purchase a facility to house the ministry permanently and desire all that would want to share their support through tax deductible gifts to be encouraged to do so. If they wish to offer their resources or networks that provide any kind of ongoing educational, economic, or social building skills and programs and resources that might assist in further empowering our youth in the future, they are very much needed and appreciated, and more than welcome to “sow” with us in this mandate.”
Nobles added, "the Winners Luncheon fellowship is a type of church fellowship that is designed to be culturally palatable to today’s inner-city youth, whom would not normally attend any church service on a regular basis."
It is essentially, “taking the church to the streets, presenting innovative and relevant outreaches conducive to the youths environments, culture, mindset, and extending the proper spiritual, educational, social, and economic outreaches to address, equip, and better empower the youth within their communities.
“Our experience and scripture teaches us that one must “catch” a fish before he can “clean it up” or become a “fisher of men”. And in order to “catch the fish”, the hook alone without any “bait” is useless. Our “bait” is the Gospel of Jesus Christ together with the Winners Luncheon, and effective recreational, educational, personal mentorship, and “self help” employment outreaches and programs that inner-city youth can relate to.”
One of the most dynamic features of the ministries vision is the Community Youth Team Activity Council which has an active part in creating platforms for exposing, addressing, and challenging many of the social, educational, and economic issues that go uncontested, yet have a major effect upon the youth in our present society.
The Zoë Youth Fellowship outreach has also been fortunate to network with other national organizations such as Freedom Force, The “Light, Love, and Connectivity Outreach”, and others, for the purpose of combining their efforts and resources to address many issues that affect a youths perception and choices in today’s society.
Nobles added, "Our association with other youth organizations and other outreach organizations is to lend or network our efforts and support for mandates that address humanitarian, educational, economic, deceptive and negative media, and racial issues that clandestinely affect both the nations youth and adults. These are the primary things in society that are responsible for misleading or affecting the freedom, choices, values, and positive flourishing of today’s youth."
One of the more subtle and overlooked issues is the frankly false and misleading media offerings and advertising that is specifically aimed at capturing the attention of adolescents within their own communities through television, magazine, and the internet. Additionally, the fact that many “free” offers for video games and other prizes are extensively advertised, which are not in fact free at all, but rather conditional upon “the purchase of something else”, and in all aspects should be eliminated and deemed essentially illegal for merchants to advertise.
These scheme’s, camouflaged with the arm of “free speech” has been responsible for both luring and influencing the untutored mindsets of countless youth in our society and lessens the value and importance of honesty, hard work, and fairness.
An outreach is also planned to introduce legislation that will forbid any liquor store in the United States to sale candy to children also. Sadly, most are not aware that generally, liquor stores stationed in the inner-city are allowed to sale candy and snacks to children and seem to sell just as much candy to children as they do liquor to adults.
But this mixing of adult and youth in this kind of atmosphere is certainly not palatable for the younger generation or for the community in general. Quite frankly, this subtle scheme is to replace the numerous drinkers and weekend/holiday recreation drinkers with new ones, which are the kids, for the future.
Although It is up to the parents and concerned citizen's within the community to launch protests and sign petitions that forbids children to purchase anything whatsoever in the liquor stores, the Zoë Youth Ministries will be a spearhead in keeping this mandate in the forefront.
In passing legislation that forbids minors to purchase from liquor stores, it should include and any and ALL businesses that sell any kind of alcoholic beverages. This kind of city ordinance will see to it that new businesses and entrepreneurs in the future separate adult targeted business that children and youth do not have access.
Another area of concern for one of our action committees is “calling the thriving porn industry to the carpet” for their porn sites on the internet. Statistics say that 61% of all internet publishing's in 2002 are pornography. Since their inception on the wide world web, the porn industry have made these sites accessible to any youth, unless they have personal parental intervention that blocks the possibility of being solicited as a potential or future customer for the industry. But not much is being done to protect the children and youth in society from these luring’s.
The porn industries criteria in accessing these sites is minuscule in hindering minors because they only require that one must merely click a link stating that they are at least 18 years or age without any validation or proof. We believe that there should be a state ID required that is linked to these merchants to insure that the ages are appropriate for this kind of material.
“These are examples as to the kind of issues that the Zoë Youth Community Youth Team Activity Council are addressing", Nobles said. "We believe that our ongoing discipleship, recreational, educational, and mentorship outreaches, will certainly pay great dividends for all the lives of those involved.” Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
One of the frequent volunteer ministers, whom is a also regular personal mentor to many of the youth added , “We certainly appreciate those that have helped us throughout this outreach although many did not continue with us due to their unwillingness to lend their support to the foundation that had already been laid by the volunteers and associates up to this point.
Unfortunately, others that have shared their time for the ministry had motives preferring to steer the organization in a direction that was not compatible with the “Peace, Purpose, and Provision” structure already intact and ongoing with the youth.
Curtis Tisdale, a former popluar rapper that use to open up concerts for the poplular rapper "Eight Ball", said, "Some of the people that joined us had great ideas and concerns but seemed to venture contrary to the emphasis of discipleship for Christ first and foremost. This is the primary objective for the ministry and the pursuit of other ideas and programs that were introduced from others ranged from assisting the elderly to soliciting funds for their own individual entrepreneurial concerns. All these things are okay but the mandate of this ministry is to administer the anointing and Love of Christ so that many will know what their purpose in life is.”
Nobles summed up this summation with, “What others have suggested is all good, but we feel the Spirit of the Lord has birthed these specific mandates in our hearts. It is evident that the Lords hand is upon this outreach because He has been faithful to open the doors, and sending qualified, capable mentors, associates , and ministers for those things that He has purposed within his heart for the youth.
Brother Ken Bleu also added, " We are not trying to "make or get" God to do what "we want him to do", or think is right, but rather making our lives available to being a minister, which is a "servant" in its purest sense."
"One could say that we are just being “obedient” to God's (whom is Love, 1 John 4:8) heart’s desires, by listening “attentively and intelligently” to the Lord's leading , which is all contained within the wisdom of the Word of God.
When we simply believe, meditate regularly and appropriate its truths and instructions, there is always a supernatural supply of Grace (divine influence upon the heart) with an “enabling and “want to” power to "Love others as we desire to be loved."
Since scripture plainly teaches that "Love is "something that one does", and Love always Gives"....John 3:16.... "For God so Loved, He "Gave", this is the evidence of Love in action and when one simply will purposely live in the lifestyle and power of being "other person centered", changed lives and a more positive society are inevitable." (Proverbs 19:21)..
"Essentially, it is living from the “inside” - “out” according to what we believe and not necessarily focusing on all the problems in the innercity so much that it discourages and spawns a sense of hoplelessness."
That is why we are “taking it to the streets." The streets are where the hurting, untutored, hopleless, and misled live their lives. I think everyone should be a willing vessel for such outreaches and as a result, specifically, we are witnesses to the question, “does God’s power work in the Ghetto or did Jesus come just for the suburbs”, with an affirmative answer of yes, it does”, he concluded.”
Urban Spirit Publishing
Prayerfully Consider Sowing a donation to this Ministry.. All gifts are tax deductable Luke 6:38
Photos of Youth Activies and the Saturday Winners Luncheon and Fellowship
Pastor Carleton Stock and Youth at the North Side Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Mo at one of the Winners Luncheons.
Youth Flag football Teams Ready to Fellowship
"Beloved, if God so Loved us, We ought also to Love one another" 1 John 4:11
Visit the HipHopHope Project
Click Here for the Hip Hope Project
Photo/Video Gallery
Rev. Ken Bleu, Gary Nobles, Minister Curtis Tisdale at the 'I'm Tired of Tripping Center", in East St. Louis
East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks with Nobles and other supporters at an April 2008 Rally to save the cities hospital.
You Tube Videos
Christian Activity Center - Clip #2 With Hope Anthem Music ..Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
The CAC is located in the Samuel Gompers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.cacesl.org/
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #4
://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project east st. louis illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and others.
The CAC is located in the Gumpers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.hiphopeproject.com
GROUND ZERO - Clip 1 - East St. Louis "Freedom Tour"
America on Monday, July 2, 1917. http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project:One Way Missionary Project; freedom Our first of many short clips of our "Freedom Tour" of East St. Louis to document the vision of The Hip Hope Project among friends, neighbors, pastors, volunteers and leaders of East St. Louis, Illinois.
The core vision of The Hip Hope Project mirrors East St. Louis Mayor, Alvin Park's "Life and Life More Abundantly" campaign to renew this community - and our world - from the ground up beginning with a restoration of hope in the minds, hearts and souls of people from all walks of life within and without the city, area, nation and the world at large.
The Hip Hope Project is not owned or controlled by any group or corporation. We are simply receiving, sharing and celebrating a divinely providential vision of hope that we believe is manifesting here in East St. Louis in miraculous ways.
As we later discovered, this clip was recorded beginning at 4:28 pm on Friday, May 2, 2008 at "GROUND ZERO" which is where the first shot was fired that killed the first black individual in the most horrific race riot in the history of the United States of America on Monday, July 2, 1917.
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #3 http://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project East St. Louis, Illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
History of Zoe Youth Ministries
The Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon programs are an extension of the 21st Century Youth Foundation Ministries. It is an Outreach designed to address the spiritual, physical, academic, and psychological balancing needs, of male and female children and young adults ages 6 -19 using revelatory and proven non religious, Christian principles, educational, mentorship, and recreational applications. The programs has been administered for a period of 34 weeks per year during the spring thru the beginning of the winter months since 2000 to date.
The ministry began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ, and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the infamous Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois in 1994.
within the current outreach to youth and young adults, the teaching of teamwork, character building, honesty, life principles, and integrity, were taught within the implementation of a flag football league competition each Saturday morning starting about 8:am and ending that afternoon around 3:pm -5:pm.
During these sessions, an average of anywhere between 30 - 70 youth would participate and also be administered biblically inspiring messages, prayer, free meals, personal counseling, and academic tutoring after the athletic competitions were concluded. Zoe Youth Ministries presently administers this much needed outreach each Saturday morning with the occasional volunteering of a few Adults living within the community, as well volunteers and friends of the ministrie that live in other cities.
With the support of pastors, friends, and associates, the ministry has been blessed to keep the programs intact for an extended period. We were also blessed with volunteers that would come to St. Louis from as far away as the city of Chicago, Illinois, that would travel to the St. Louis area during the weekends to volunteer in serving the outreaches needs and agendas.
The unique thing about this blessing was that although our basic youth clientele was African American, the Adult volunteers coming here from Chicago were Caucasian, Latino, and African American. Since the organization does not have its own building or facility, The need for a facility for tutoring during the week of school days, as well as a place of gathering and fellowshipping for a safe and positve enviroment were conducted in my home.
Gary Nobles said about the outreach, "Although my three bedroom home was not large enough to accomplish all that we set out to achieve and administer with the youth, the need was so great for this outreach that we often found many coming for assistance. Several of the children needing and requesting help with their school assignments or that needed to be in a positive environment had no where else to go, so we opened our home to them."
A facility for an "after school" - recreational program is much needed. The flag football outreach has seemed to be a good draw for many of the youth and also provides the opportunity for healthy competition, teamwork ethics, and positive fellowship and interactions with their opeers and community leaders on a regular basis. With the acquisition of an adequate facility, we can implement a daily Fellowship for the youth with free meals.. .
Additionally in the facility we can also offer curriculums such as performing arts, computer literacy, together with regular after school tutoring, employment skills training, a reading curriculum, and possible the production of a monthly local cable access television program produced by the youth participating, with supervision and management from a staff of volunteer Adults.
Although several adults in the community were instrumental in lending their support to the outreaches efforts, some of those that were notable to the ministries efforts were the founders and directors including myself, (AKA) Pastor Ken Bleu Campbell, aka "Rev. Ken Bleu Campbell", and "Brother Bleu" of Good Ground Ministries and Urban Spirit Publishing, Mr. Fred G. Smart of the National Productivity Group, Elder William Breit, executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc, Mr. Rick Mc Kinney, former professional sports athlete, Mr. Gary V. Nobles, also a former professional sports athlete, and Minister Curtis Tisdale, Jr. of Mt Paran Missionary Baptist Church in East St. Louis, Illinois..
Zoe Youth Ministries desires to network, unite, and partner with other similar youth outreaches and organizations interested in in combining cooperative efforts for the benefit of the youth and children .. Please use contact inormation below if you would like to network with us..
Winners Luncheon Outreach and the Zoe Youth Ministires Contact Information..
F. G. Smart
Log on to Brother Smarts informative, educational, and inspiring Website Blog by clicking the link below..
Fred Smart Site
» Friends and Supporters of Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon Outreaches..
F. Smart is a brother in Christ whom has been instrumental in supporting the outreaches of ZYM.
He is also one of the ministries positive Networkers and has personally traveled to St. Louis and Volunteered his time and and given resources while participating in the Saturday flag football league breakfast, prayer, and activites program.
Inspiring Testimonies..
Feb. 27, 2007, I personally prayed for a friend in my home town whose blood pressure was in danger of attracting a stroke. After a short prayer, I told her to go the doctor that day to check your blood pressure and it will be normal again and that the doctors would be amazed.
That is exactly what the Lord did because I saw the release in the Spirit! She is totally normal and is not suffering from the sickness she had before. It was a wonderful miracle.
Also, my right hand brother in Christ , Gary Nobles, prayed for our comrade Pastor Franz Sanon from Haiti later that day because the pastor had so much back pain that he could not get out of bed. After prayer, and about an hour later, he called and said that he was completely healed! No more back pain and he was up and about! Praise God!
Brother Bleu..
April, 2007.
Thank You Brother Tracy Fisher of Covenant Foods..
Brother Tracy Fisher of the Covenant Foods company in St. Louis, Missouri has also given us gifts of more than $2,000 worth of food for our programs (called "The Winners Luncheon and Discipleship Fellowship") .. Food gifts of cases of quarter pound beef hot dogs, bratwurst, 16 inch pepperoni pizzas, 12 inch cheese pizzas, 8 inch pizzas, several cases of push up ice cream units, Popsicles, cookie dough for baking cookies, 6 pound snickers candy bar cheesecakes, several cases of individual unit cheesecakes, juice, as well as cash gifts,) and as a result has just received the biggest deal of his Businesses endeavors..
Miracle Testimony of Healing..
A 35 year old Rochester, Washington woman whom had a history of breast cancer in her family and that was having trouble with a leakage in her breasts was totally resotred and healed after prayer during the third week of October, 2007.
She was prayed for over the telephone by one of the associates of the Zoe Youth Ministries and the next day she testified that the leakage had stopped completely and she was feeling aboslutley perfect! Wow! God certainly sent his word and healed her from all destruction! God is Good and his Word will work for you! Is. 53:5
Dear Brother, I don't know what it is about the wealth of wisdom you share with me, but everytime, without fail, they always make me cry. Maybe because inherently, it is what I truly believe about myself and am too embarassed to admit it because I am just so stuck on things I was told about myself growing up or maybe because after all that I have been through in life (parent's divorce, illness, death ...), change, now in my thirties, is fairly difficult. Truly, it is a very LARGE mountain to climb and at times I wonder if I will ever seize at least half of it, if not all.
Thank you for the wisdom you do have to impart. I do hope all is well with you and that you continue sahring your Love of with untold millions. Best Regards, Tib
Affiliate Sponsors that Support this Ministry With Purchases through Banners below....
Zoe Youth Ministries Winners Luncheon, Educational, & Recreational Disciple Outreach
One of the Zoë Youth Ministries Flag Football teams & ministry associate F. G. Smart with some of the ministries youth.. (Point to Photo, Right click mouse, and click "Show Picture" in menu if picture on this page does not appear.)
“According to the Grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the Foundation, and another builds upon it. But let every man take heed how he builds thereupon. For other Foundation can no man lay that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 3:10,11
Click the Link to Visit our> Youth Archive Blogs
Taking it to the Streets..
Youth Ministry Making Significant Strides to Disciple, Educate, and Empower Youth
Article From the Urban Spirit Empowerment Newsletter Publication..
Favor and Grace in Our Midst...
A great movement amongst the youth is taking place in north St. Louis County where former NFL wide receiver Gary Nobles and network associates have just completed the first phase of the Zoë Youth Ministries three phase vision implementation with the conclusion of a six month Discipleship for Christ outreach fellowship, entitled the Winners Luncheon.
During this period about eighty youth regularly attended the fellowship together with several adults that volunteered, as well as members of the churches the meetings were held. Free meals were offered in each meeting together with a culturally palatable and relevant, innovative presentation of the Gospel. Decisions for accepting Christ as savoir for the youth resulted and many of the youth also established personal camaraderie and mentorship's with the adult volunteers outside of the fellowship meetings.
Several volunteers offered their time, resources, and prayers in this implementation of the Winners Luncheon discipleship program. Nobles said, “We are grateful for those that took the time to “sow” into the lives and futures of the youth involved.
Included in this list are Elder William Breit, the executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc., whose provisions and intercessory prayer were invaluable, Tracy and Kim Fisher of Covenant Foods, inc. that cheerfully shared prayers, other resources, and more than generous supplies of food for the Winners luncheon outreach, Rev. Ken “Bleu” Campbell of Good Ground Ministries whom presented the gospel, gave resources, and administrated the correspondences, vision outline, and public relations aspects of the ministry, and Fred G. Smart of Chicago, Illinois, that shared not only financially but also made a personal trip to St. Louis and assisted in the outreach.
Others that were also significant and a great blessing to this mission were Bishop E. Dunn of Faith Christian Ministries that graced this fellowship outreach with the use of his church facilities for the Winners Luncheon, together with Pastor Carleton Stock and the board of directors of North Ministry Presbyterian Church, whom also graciously provided his churches facilities where the final six weeks of the fellowship were conducted.
Additionally, thanks to the contributions of fellowship mentor Deacon Larry Bonds, whom also donated soft drinks and provided much needed space in his home for storage of food for the luncheon, Minister Curtis Tisdale, Minister Elmer Moore, and those whom freely gave of their resources, time, and support, including Shawna Balde, Shelia Pargo, Pastor Fans Sanan, Walter Jeffries, Sr., Craig Nobles of Interscope Records, Walter McCovey of Los Angeles, California, S. Nobles, Leonard Jackson, and others.
This effort is a culmination of nine years of ministry extended to young, at-risk youth in the Black community which surprisingly began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois. This foundation progressed through the years and according to Nobles, the Grace of God enabled them to implement the outreach within an innovative impartation of the outreaches "power of Grace and Anointing entitled, “Peace, Purpose, and Provision”.
The "Peace" is based upon the presenting of the unconditional Love of God (salvation in Jesus Christ) first and foremost. Upon this “divine re-connection”, the peace of God within the heart accompanies the “salvation” and validates its authenticity and begins to "attract" the components of "Purpose" and "Provision".
After this, a personal understanding, direction, and guidance is then freely released into the heart concerning the “purpose” goals, aspirations, and dreams, that each individual aspires, or are predestined and gifted to do in this life.
The “gift”, as scripture teaches, “will make room for them”, and the “provisions”, including the networks, proper people, and financial resources necessary to carry out the purpose, are attracted in the “paths“ of their lives. Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
Community Youth Team Activity Council
“Our second phase vision is being initiated to continue implementing the disciple fellowship, educational, and recreational outreaches to the youth, and inviting others that also have a desire to positively touch the lives of our youth to unite their efforts with ours", Nobles added.
The outreach is also seeking to purchase a facility to house the ministry permanently and desire all that would want to share their support through tax deductible gifts to be encouraged to do so. If they wish to offer their resources or networks that provide any kind of ongoing educational, economic, or social building skills and programs and resources that might assist in further empowering our youth in the future, they are very much needed and appreciated, and more than welcome to “sow” with us in this mandate.”
Nobles added, "the Winners Luncheon fellowship is a type of church fellowship that is designed to be culturally palatable to today’s inner-city youth, whom would not normally attend any church service on a regular basis."
It is essentially, “taking the church to the streets, presenting innovative and relevant outreaches conducive to the youths environments, culture, mindset, and extending the proper spiritual, educational, social, and economic outreaches to address, equip, and better empower the youth within their communities.
“Our experience and scripture teaches us that one must “catch” a fish before he can “clean it up” or become a “fisher of men”. And in order to “catch the fish”, the hook alone without any “bait” is useless. Our “bait” is the Gospel of Jesus Christ together with the Winners Luncheon, and effective recreational, educational, personal mentorship, and “self help” employment outreaches and programs that inner-city youth can relate to.”
One of the most dynamic features of the ministries vision is the Community Youth Team Activity Council which has an active part in creating platforms for exposing, addressing, and challenging many of the social, educational, and economic issues that go uncontested, yet have a major effect upon the youth in our present society.
The Zoë Youth Fellowship outreach has also been fortunate to network with other national organizations such as Freedom Force, The “Light, Love, and Connectivity Outreach”, and others, for the purpose of combining their efforts and resources to address many issues that affect a youths perception and choices in today’s society.
Nobles added, "Our association with other youth organizations and other outreach organizations is to lend or network our efforts and support for mandates that address humanitarian, educational, economic, deceptive and negative media, and racial issues that clandestinely affect both the nations youth and adults. These are the primary things in society that are responsible for misleading or affecting the freedom, choices, values, and positive flourishing of today’s youth."
One of the more subtle and overlooked issues is the frankly false and misleading media offerings and advertising that is specifically aimed at capturing the attention of adolescents within their own communities through television, magazine, and the internet. Additionally, the fact that many “free” offers for video games and other prizes are extensively advertised, which are not in fact free at all, but rather conditional upon “the purchase of something else”, and in all aspects should be eliminated and deemed essentially illegal for merchants to advertise.
These scheme’s, camouflaged with the arm of “free speech” has been responsible for both luring and influencing the untutored mindsets of countless youth in our society and lessens the value and importance of honesty, hard work, and fairness.
An outreach is also planned to introduce legislation that will forbid any liquor store in the United States to sale candy to children also. Sadly, most are not aware that generally, liquor stores stationed in the inner-city are allowed to sale candy and snacks to children and seem to sell just as much candy to children as they do liquor to adults.
But this mixing of adult and youth in this kind of atmosphere is certainly not palatable for the younger generation or for the community in general. Quite frankly, this subtle scheme is to replace the numerous drinkers and weekend/holiday recreation drinkers with new ones, which are the kids, for the future.
Although It is up to the parents and concerned citizen's within the community to launch protests and sign petitions that forbids children to purchase anything whatsoever in the liquor stores, the Zoë Youth Ministries will be a spearhead in keeping this mandate in the forefront.
In passing legislation that forbids minors to purchase from liquor stores, it should include and any and ALL businesses that sell any kind of alcoholic beverages. This kind of city ordinance will see to it that new businesses and entrepreneurs in the future separate adult targeted business that children and youth do not have access.
Another area of concern for one of our action committees is “calling the thriving porn industry to the carpet” for their porn sites on the internet. Statistics say that 61% of all internet publishing's in 2002 are pornography. Since their inception on the wide world web, the porn industry have made these sites accessible to any youth, unless they have personal parental intervention that blocks the possibility of being solicited as a potential or future customer for the industry. But not much is being done to protect the children and youth in society from these luring’s.
The porn industries criteria in accessing these sites is minuscule in hindering minors because they only require that one must merely click a link stating that they are at least 18 years or age without any validation or proof. We believe that there should be a state ID required that is linked to these merchants to insure that the ages are appropriate for this kind of material.
“These are examples as to the kind of issues that the Zoë Youth Community Youth Team Activity Council are addressing", Nobles said. "We believe that our ongoing discipleship, recreational, educational, and mentorship outreaches, will certainly pay great dividends for all the lives of those involved.” Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
One of the frequent volunteer ministers, whom is a also regular personal mentor to many of the youth added , “We certainly appreciate those that have helped us throughout this outreach although many did not continue with us due to their unwillingness to lend their support to the foundation that had already been laid by the volunteers and associates up to this point.
Unfortunately, others that have shared their time for the ministry had motives preferring to steer the organization in a direction that was not compatible with the “Peace, Purpose, and Provision” structure already intact and ongoing with the youth.
Curtis Tisdale, a former popluar rapper that use to open up concerts for the poplular rapper "Eight Ball", said, "Some of the people that joined us had great ideas and concerns but seemed to venture contrary to the emphasis of discipleship for Christ first and foremost. This is the primary objective for the ministry and the pursuit of other ideas and programs that were introduced from others ranged from assisting the elderly to soliciting funds for their own individual entrepreneurial concerns. All these things are okay but the mandate of this ministry is to administer the anointing and Love of Christ so that many will know what their purpose in life is.”
Nobles summed up this summation with, “What others have suggested is all good, but we feel the Spirit of the Lord has birthed these specific mandates in our hearts. It is evident that the Lords hand is upon this outreach because He has been faithful to open the doors, and sending qualified, capable mentors, associates , and ministers for those things that He has purposed within his heart for the youth.
Brother Ken Bleu also added, " We are not trying to "make or get" God to do what "we want him to do", or think is right, but rather making our lives available to being a minister, which is a "servant" in its purest sense."
"One could say that we are just being “obedient” to God's (whom is Love, 1 John 4:8) heart’s desires, by listening “attentively and intelligently” to the Lord's leading , which is all contained within the wisdom of the Word of God.
When we simply believe, meditate regularly and appropriate its truths and instructions, there is always a supernatural supply of Grace (divine influence upon the heart) with an “enabling and “want to” power to "Love others as we desire to be loved."
Since scripture plainly teaches that "Love is "something that one does", and Love always Gives"....John 3:16.... "For God so Loved, He "Gave", this is the evidence of Love in action and when one simply will purposely live in the lifestyle and power of being "other person centered", changed lives and a more positive society are inevitable." (Proverbs 19:21)..
"Essentially, it is living from the “inside” - “out” according to what we believe and not necessarily focusing on all the problems in the innercity so much that it discourages and spawns a sense of hoplelessness."
That is why we are “taking it to the streets." The streets are where the hurting, untutored, hopleless, and misled live their lives. I think everyone should be a willing vessel for such outreaches and as a result, specifically, we are witnesses to the question, “does God’s power work in the Ghetto or did Jesus come just for the suburbs”, with an affirmative answer of yes, it does”, he concluded.”
Urban Spirit Publishing
Prayerfully Consider Sowing a donation to this Ministry.. All gifts are tax deductable Luke 6:38
Photos of Youth Activies and the Saturday Winners Luncheon and Fellowship
Pastor Carleton Stock and Youth at the North Side Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Mo at one of the Winners Luncheons.
Youth Flag football Teams Ready to Fellowship
"Beloved, if God so Loved us, We ought also to Love one another" 1 John 4:11
Visit the HipHopHope Project
Click Here for the Hip Hope Project
Photo/Video Gallery
Rev. Ken Bleu, Gary Nobles, Minister Curtis Tisdale at the 'I'm Tired of Tripping Center", in East St. Louis
East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks with Nobles and other supporters at an April 2008 Rally to save the cities hospital.
You Tube Videos
Christian Activity Center - Clip #2 With Hope Anthem Music ..Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
The CAC is located in the Samuel Gompers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.cacesl.org/
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #4
://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project east st. louis illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and others.
The CAC is located in the Gumpers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.hiphopeproject.com
GROUND ZERO - Clip 1 - East St. Louis "Freedom Tour"
America on Monday, July 2, 1917. http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project:One Way Missionary Project; freedom Our first of many short clips of our "Freedom Tour" of East St. Louis to document the vision of The Hip Hope Project among friends, neighbors, pastors, volunteers and leaders of East St. Louis, Illinois.
The core vision of The Hip Hope Project mirrors East St. Louis Mayor, Alvin Park's "Life and Life More Abundantly" campaign to renew this community - and our world - from the ground up beginning with a restoration of hope in the minds, hearts and souls of people from all walks of life within and without the city, area, nation and the world at large.
The Hip Hope Project is not owned or controlled by any group or corporation. We are simply receiving, sharing and celebrating a divinely providential vision of hope that we believe is manifesting here in East St. Louis in miraculous ways.
As we later discovered, this clip was recorded beginning at 4:28 pm on Friday, May 2, 2008 at "GROUND ZERO" which is where the first shot was fired that killed the first black individual in the most horrific race riot in the history of the United States of America on Monday, July 2, 1917.
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #3 http://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project East St. Louis, Illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
History of Zoe Youth Ministries
The Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon programs are an extension of the 21st Century Youth Foundation Ministries. It is an Outreach designed to address the spiritual, physical, academic, and psychological balancing needs, of male and female children and young adults ages 6 -19 using revelatory and proven non religious, Christian principles, educational, mentorship, and recreational applications. The programs has been administered for a period of 34 weeks per year during the spring thru the beginning of the winter months since 2000 to date.
The ministry began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ, and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the infamous Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois in 1994.
within the current outreach to youth and young adults, the teaching of teamwork, character building, honesty, life principles, and integrity, were taught within the implementation of a flag football league competition each Saturday morning starting about 8:am and ending that afternoon around 3:pm -5:pm.
During these sessions, an average of anywhere between 30 - 70 youth would participate and also be administered biblically inspiring messages, prayer, free meals, personal counseling, and academic tutoring after the athletic competitions were concluded. Zoe Youth Ministries presently administers this much needed outreach each Saturday morning with the occasional volunteering of a few Adults living within the community, as well volunteers and friends of the ministrie that live in other cities.
With the support of pastors, friends, and associates, the ministry has been blessed to keep the programs intact for an extended period. We were also blessed with volunteers that would come to St. Louis from as far away as the city of Chicago, Illinois, that would travel to the St. Louis area during the weekends to volunteer in serving the outreaches needs and agendas.
The unique thing about this blessing was that although our basic youth clientele was African American, the Adult volunteers coming here from Chicago were Caucasian, Latino, and African American. Since the organization does not have its own building or facility, The need for a facility for tutoring during the week of school days, as well as a place of gathering and fellowshipping for a safe and positve enviroment were conducted in my home.
Gary Nobles said about the outreach, "Although my three bedroom home was not large enough to accomplish all that we set out to achieve and administer with the youth, the need was so great for this outreach that we often found many coming for assistance. Several of the children needing and requesting help with their school assignments or that needed to be in a positive environment had no where else to go, so we opened our home to them."
A facility for an "after school" - recreational program is much needed. The flag football outreach has seemed to be a good draw for many of the youth and also provides the opportunity for healthy competition, teamwork ethics, and positive fellowship and interactions with their opeers and community leaders on a regular basis. With the acquisition of an adequate facility, we can implement a daily Fellowship for the youth with free meals.. .
Additionally in the facility we can also offer curriculums such as performing arts, computer literacy, together with regular after school tutoring, employment skills training, a reading curriculum, and possible the production of a monthly local cable access television program produced by the youth participating, with supervision and management from a staff of volunteer Adults.
Although several adults in the community were instrumental in lending their support to the outreaches efforts, some of those that were notable to the ministries efforts were the founders and directors including myself, (AKA) Pastor Ken Bleu Campbell, aka "Rev. Ken Bleu Campbell", and "Brother Bleu" of Good Ground Ministries and Urban Spirit Publishing, Mr. Fred G. Smart of the National Productivity Group, Elder William Breit, executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc, Mr. Rick Mc Kinney, former professional sports athlete, Mr. Gary V. Nobles, also a former professional sports athlete, and Minister Curtis Tisdale, Jr. of Mt Paran Missionary Baptist Church in East St. Louis, Illinois..
Zoe Youth Ministries desires to network, unite, and partner with other similar youth outreaches and organizations interested in in combining cooperative efforts for the benefit of the youth and children .. Please use contact inormation below if you would like to network with us..
Winners Luncheon Outreach and the Zoe Youth Ministires Contact Information..
F. G. Smart
Log on to Brother Smarts informative, educational, and inspiring Website Blog by clicking the link below..
Fred Smart Site
» Friends and Supporters of Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon Outreaches..
F. Smart is a brother in Christ whom has been instrumental in supporting the outreaches of ZYM.
He is also one of the ministries positive Networkers and has personally traveled to St. Louis and Volunteered his time and and given resources while participating in the Saturday flag football league breakfast, prayer, and activites program.
Inspiring Testimonies..
Feb. 27, 2007, I personally prayed for a friend in my home town whose blood pressure was in danger of attracting a stroke. After a short prayer, I told her to go the doctor that day to check your blood pressure and it will be normal again and that the doctors would be amazed.
That is exactly what the Lord did because I saw the release in the Spirit! She is totally normal and is not suffering from the sickness she had before. It was a wonderful miracle.
Also, my right hand brother in Christ , Gary Nobles, prayed for our comrade Pastor Franz Sanon from Haiti later that day because the pastor had so much back pain that he could not get out of bed. After prayer, and about an hour later, he called and said that he was completely healed! No more back pain and he was up and about! Praise God!
Brother Bleu..
April, 2007.
Thank You Brother Tracy Fisher of Covenant Foods..
Brother Tracy Fisher of the Covenant Foods company in St. Louis, Missouri has also given us gifts of more than $2,000 worth of food for our programs (called "The Winners Luncheon and Discipleship Fellowship") .. Food gifts of cases of quarter pound beef hot dogs, bratwurst, 16 inch pepperoni pizzas, 12 inch cheese pizzas, 8 inch pizzas, several cases of push up ice cream units, Popsicles, cookie dough for baking cookies, 6 pound snickers candy bar cheesecakes, several cases of individual unit cheesecakes, juice, as well as cash gifts,) and as a result has just received the biggest deal of his Businesses endeavors..
Miracle Testimony of Healing..
A 35 year old Rochester, Washington woman whom had a history of breast cancer in her family and that was having trouble with a leakage in her breasts was totally resotred and healed after prayer during the third week of October, 2007.
She was prayed for over the telephone by one of the associates of the Zoe Youth Ministries and the next day she testified that the leakage had stopped completely and she was feeling aboslutley perfect! Wow! God certainly sent his word and healed her from all destruction! God is Good and his Word will work for you! Is. 53:5
Dear Brother, I don't know what it is about the wealth of wisdom you share with me, but everytime, without fail, they always make me cry. Maybe because inherently, it is what I truly believe about myself and am too embarassed to admit it because I am just so stuck on things I was told about myself growing up or maybe because after all that I have been through in life (parent's divorce, illness, death ...), change, now in my thirties, is fairly difficult. Truly, it is a very LARGE mountain to climb and at times I wonder if I will ever seize at least half of it, if not all.
Thank you for the wisdom you do have to impart. I do hope all is well with you and that you continue sahring your Love of with untold millions. Best Regards, Tib
Affiliate Sponsors that Support this Ministry With Purchases through Banners below....
Zoe Youth Ministries Winners Luncheon, Educational, & Recreational Disciple Outreach
One of the Zoë Youth Ministries Flag Football teams & ministry associate F. G. Smart with some of the ministries youth.. (Point to Photo, Right click mouse, and click "Show Picture" in menu if picture on this page does not appear.)
“According to the Grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the Foundation, and another builds upon it. But let every man take heed how he builds thereupon. For other Foundation can no man lay that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 3:10,11
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Taking it to the Streets..
Youth Ministry Making Significant Strides to Disciple, Educate, and Empower Youth
Article From the Urban Spirit Empowerment Newsletter Publication..
Favor and Grace in Our Midst...
A great movement amongst the youth is taking place in north St. Louis County where former NFL wide receiver Gary Nobles and network associates have just completed the first phase of the Zoë Youth Ministries three phase vision implementation with the conclusion of a six month Discipleship for Christ outreach fellowship, entitled the Winners Luncheon.
During this period about eighty youth regularly attended the fellowship together with several adults that volunteered, as well as members of the churches the meetings were held. Free meals were offered in each meeting together with a culturally palatable and relevant, innovative presentation of the Gospel. Decisions for accepting Christ as savoir for the youth resulted and many of the youth also established personal camaraderie and mentorship's with the adult volunteers outside of the fellowship meetings.
Several volunteers offered their time, resources, and prayers in this implementation of the Winners Luncheon discipleship program. Nobles said, “We are grateful for those that took the time to “sow” into the lives and futures of the youth involved.
Included in this list are Elder William Breit, the executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc., whose provisions and intercessory prayer were invaluable, Tracy and Kim Fisher of Covenant Foods, inc. that cheerfully shared prayers, other resources, and more than generous supplies of food for the Winners luncheon outreach, Rev. Ken “Bleu” Campbell of Good Ground Ministries whom presented the gospel, gave resources, and administrated the correspondences, vision outline, and public relations aspects of the ministry, and Fred G. Smart of Chicago, Illinois, that shared not only financially but also made a personal trip to St. Louis and assisted in the outreach.
Others that were also significant and a great blessing to this mission were Bishop E. Dunn of Faith Christian Ministries that graced this fellowship outreach with the use of his church facilities for the Winners Luncheon, together with Pastor Carleton Stock and the board of directors of North Ministry Presbyterian Church, whom also graciously provided his churches facilities where the final six weeks of the fellowship were conducted.
Additionally, thanks to the contributions of fellowship mentor Deacon Larry Bonds, whom also donated soft drinks and provided much needed space in his home for storage of food for the luncheon, Minister Curtis Tisdale, Minister Elmer Moore, and those whom freely gave of their resources, time, and support, including Shawna Balde, Shelia Pargo, Pastor Fans Sanan, Walter Jeffries, Sr., Craig Nobles of Interscope Records, Walter McCovey of Los Angeles, California, S. Nobles, Leonard Jackson, and others.
This effort is a culmination of nine years of ministry extended to young, at-risk youth in the Black community which surprisingly began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois. This foundation progressed through the years and according to Nobles, the Grace of God enabled them to implement the outreach within an innovative impartation of the outreaches "power of Grace and Anointing entitled, “Peace, Purpose, and Provision”.
The "Peace" is based upon the presenting of the unconditional Love of God (salvation in Jesus Christ) first and foremost. Upon this “divine re-connection”, the peace of God within the heart accompanies the “salvation” and validates its authenticity and begins to "attract" the components of "Purpose" and "Provision".
After this, a personal understanding, direction, and guidance is then freely released into the heart concerning the “purpose” goals, aspirations, and dreams, that each individual aspires, or are predestined and gifted to do in this life.
The “gift”, as scripture teaches, “will make room for them”, and the “provisions”, including the networks, proper people, and financial resources necessary to carry out the purpose, are attracted in the “paths“ of their lives. Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
Community Youth Team Activity Council
“Our second phase vision is being initiated to continue implementing the disciple fellowship, educational, and recreational outreaches to the youth, and inviting others that also have a desire to positively touch the lives of our youth to unite their efforts with ours", Nobles added.
The outreach is also seeking to purchase a facility to house the ministry permanently and desire all that would want to share their support through tax deductible gifts to be encouraged to do so. If they wish to offer their resources or networks that provide any kind of ongoing educational, economic, or social building skills and programs and resources that might assist in further empowering our youth in the future, they are very much needed and appreciated, and more than welcome to “sow” with us in this mandate.”
Nobles added, "the Winners Luncheon fellowship is a type of church fellowship that is designed to be culturally palatable to today’s inner-city youth, whom would not normally attend any church service on a regular basis."
It is essentially, “taking the church to the streets, presenting innovative and relevant outreaches conducive to the youths environments, culture, mindset, and extending the proper spiritual, educational, social, and economic outreaches to address, equip, and better empower the youth within their communities.
“Our experience and scripture teaches us that one must “catch” a fish before he can “clean it up” or become a “fisher of men”. And in order to “catch the fish”, the hook alone without any “bait” is useless. Our “bait” is the Gospel of Jesus Christ together with the Winners Luncheon, and effective recreational, educational, personal mentorship, and “self help” employment outreaches and programs that inner-city youth can relate to.”
One of the most dynamic features of the ministries vision is the Community Youth Team Activity Council which has an active part in creating platforms for exposing, addressing, and challenging many of the social, educational, and economic issues that go uncontested, yet have a major effect upon the youth in our present society.
The Zoë Youth Fellowship outreach has also been fortunate to network with other national organizations such as Freedom Force, The “Light, Love, and Connectivity Outreach”, and others, for the purpose of combining their efforts and resources to address many issues that affect a youths perception and choices in today’s society.
Nobles added, "Our association with other youth organizations and other outreach organizations is to lend or network our efforts and support for mandates that address humanitarian, educational, economic, deceptive and negative media, and racial issues that clandestinely affect both the nations youth and adults. These are the primary things in society that are responsible for misleading or affecting the freedom, choices, values, and positive flourishing of today’s youth."
One of the more subtle and overlooked issues is the frankly false and misleading media offerings and advertising that is specifically aimed at capturing the attention of adolescents within their own communities through television, magazine, and the internet. Additionally, the fact that many “free” offers for video games and other prizes are extensively advertised, which are not in fact free at all, but rather conditional upon “the purchase of something else”, and in all aspects should be eliminated and deemed essentially illegal for merchants to advertise.
These scheme’s, camouflaged with the arm of “free speech” has been responsible for both luring and influencing the untutored mindsets of countless youth in our society and lessens the value and importance of honesty, hard work, and fairness.
An outreach is also planned to introduce legislation that will forbid any liquor store in the United States to sale candy to children also. Sadly, most are not aware that generally, liquor stores stationed in the inner-city are allowed to sale candy and snacks to children and seem to sell just as much candy to children as they do liquor to adults.
But this mixing of adult and youth in this kind of atmosphere is certainly not palatable for the younger generation or for the community in general. Quite frankly, this subtle scheme is to replace the numerous drinkers and weekend/holiday recreation drinkers with new ones, which are the kids, for the future.
Although It is up to the parents and concerned citizen's within the community to launch protests and sign petitions that forbids children to purchase anything whatsoever in the liquor stores, the Zoë Youth Ministries will be a spearhead in keeping this mandate in the forefront.
In passing legislation that forbids minors to purchase from liquor stores, it should include and any and ALL businesses that sell any kind of alcoholic beverages. This kind of city ordinance will see to it that new businesses and entrepreneurs in the future separate adult targeted business that children and youth do not have access.
Another area of concern for one of our action committees is “calling the thriving porn industry to the carpet” for their porn sites on the internet. Statistics say that 61% of all internet publishing's in 2002 are pornography. Since their inception on the wide world web, the porn industry have made these sites accessible to any youth, unless they have personal parental intervention that blocks the possibility of being solicited as a potential or future customer for the industry. But not much is being done to protect the children and youth in society from these luring’s.
The porn industries criteria in accessing these sites is minuscule in hindering minors because they only require that one must merely click a link stating that they are at least 18 years or age without any validation or proof. We believe that there should be a state ID required that is linked to these merchants to insure that the ages are appropriate for this kind of material.
“These are examples as to the kind of issues that the Zoë Youth Community Youth Team Activity Council are addressing", Nobles said. "We believe that our ongoing discipleship, recreational, educational, and mentorship outreaches, will certainly pay great dividends for all the lives of those involved.” Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
One of the frequent volunteer ministers, whom is a also regular personal mentor to many of the youth added , “We certainly appreciate those that have helped us throughout this outreach although many did not continue with us due to their unwillingness to lend their support to the foundation that had already been laid by the volunteers and associates up to this point.
Unfortunately, others that have shared their time for the ministry had motives preferring to steer the organization in a direction that was not compatible with the “Peace, Purpose, and Provision” structure already intact and ongoing with the youth.
Curtis Tisdale, a former popluar rapper that use to open up concerts for the poplular rapper "Eight Ball", said, "Some of the people that joined us had great ideas and concerns but seemed to venture contrary to the emphasis of discipleship for Christ first and foremost. This is the primary objective for the ministry and the pursuit of other ideas and programs that were introduced from others ranged from assisting the elderly to soliciting funds for their own individual entrepreneurial concerns. All these things are okay but the mandate of this ministry is to administer the anointing and Love of Christ so that many will know what their purpose in life is.”
Nobles summed up this summation with, “What others have suggested is all good, but we feel the Spirit of the Lord has birthed these specific mandates in our hearts. It is evident that the Lords hand is upon this outreach because He has been faithful to open the doors, and sending qualified, capable mentors, associates , and ministers for those things that He has purposed within his heart for the youth.
Brother Ken Bleu also added, " We are not trying to "make or get" God to do what "we want him to do", or think is right, but rather making our lives available to being a minister, which is a "servant" in its purest sense."
"One could say that we are just being “obedient” to God's (whom is Love, 1 John 4:8) heart’s desires, by listening “attentively and intelligently” to the Lord's leading , which is all contained within the wisdom of the Word of God.
When we simply believe, meditate regularly and appropriate its truths and instructions, there is always a supernatural supply of Grace (divine influence upon the heart) with an “enabling and “want to” power to "Love others as we desire to be loved."
Since scripture plainly teaches that "Love is "something that one does", and Love always Gives"....John 3:16.... "For God so Loved, He "Gave", this is the evidence of Love in action and when one simply will purposely live in the lifestyle and power of being "other person centered", changed lives and a more positive society are inevitable." (Proverbs 19:21)..
"Essentially, it is living from the “inside” - “out” according to what we believe and not necessarily focusing on all the problems in the innercity so much that it discourages and spawns a sense of hoplelessness."
That is why we are “taking it to the streets." The streets are where the hurting, untutored, hopleless, and misled live their lives. I think everyone should be a willing vessel for such outreaches and as a result, specifically, we are witnesses to the question, “does God’s power work in the Ghetto or did Jesus come just for the suburbs”, with an affirmative answer of yes, it does”, he concluded.”
Urban Spirit Publishing
Prayerfully Consider Sowing a donation to this Ministry.. All gifts are tax deductable Luke 6:38
Photos of Youth Activies and the Saturday Winners Luncheon and Fellowship
Pastor Carleton Stock and Youth at the North Side Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Mo at one of the Winners Luncheons.
Youth Flag football Teams Ready to Fellowship
"Beloved, if God so Loved us, We ought also to Love one another" 1 John 4:11
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Photo/Video Gallery
Rev. Ken Bleu, Gary Nobles, Minister Curtis Tisdale at the 'I'm Tired of Tripping Center", in East St. Louis
East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks with Nobles and other supporters at an April 2008 Rally to save the cities hospital.
You Tube Videos
Christian Activity Center - Clip #2 With Hope Anthem Music ..Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
The CAC is located in the Samuel Gompers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.cacesl.org/
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #4
://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project east st. louis illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and others.
The CAC is located in the Gumpers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.hiphopeproject.com
GROUND ZERO - Clip 1 - East St. Louis "Freedom Tour"
America on Monday, July 2, 1917. http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project:One Way Missionary Project; freedom Our first of many short clips of our "Freedom Tour" of East St. Louis to document the vision of The Hip Hope Project among friends, neighbors, pastors, volunteers and leaders of East St. Louis, Illinois.
The core vision of The Hip Hope Project mirrors East St. Louis Mayor, Alvin Park's "Life and Life More Abundantly" campaign to renew this community - and our world - from the ground up beginning with a restoration of hope in the minds, hearts and souls of people from all walks of life within and without the city, area, nation and the world at large.
The Hip Hope Project is not owned or controlled by any group or corporation. We are simply receiving, sharing and celebrating a divinely providential vision of hope that we believe is manifesting here in East St. Louis in miraculous ways.
As we later discovered, this clip was recorded beginning at 4:28 pm on Friday, May 2, 2008 at "GROUND ZERO" which is where the first shot was fired that killed the first black individual in the most horrific race riot in the history of the United States of America on Monday, July 2, 1917.
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #3 http://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project East St. Louis, Illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
History of Zoe Youth Ministries
The Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon programs are an extension of the 21st Century Youth Foundation Ministries. It is an Outreach designed to address the spiritual, physical, academic, and psychological balancing needs, of male and female children and young adults ages 6 -19 using revelatory and proven non religious, Christian principles, educational, mentorship, and recreational applications. The programs has been administered for a period of 34 weeks per year during the spring thru the beginning of the winter months since 2000 to date.
The ministry began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ, and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the infamous Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois in 1994.
within the current outreach to youth and young adults, the teaching of teamwork, character building, honesty, life principles, and integrity, were taught within the implementation of a flag football league competition each Saturday morning starting about 8:am and ending that afternoon around 3:pm -5:pm.
During these sessions, an average of anywhere between 30 - 70 youth would participate and also be administered biblically inspiring messages, prayer, free meals, personal counseling, and academic tutoring after the athletic competitions were concluded. Zoe Youth Ministries presently administers this much needed outreach each Saturday morning with the occasional volunteering of a few Adults living within the community, as well volunteers and friends of the ministrie that live in other cities.
With the support of pastors, friends, and associates, the ministry has been blessed to keep the programs intact for an extended period. We were also blessed with volunteers that would come to St. Louis from as far away as the city of Chicago, Illinois, that would travel to the St. Louis area during the weekends to volunteer in serving the outreaches needs and agendas.
The unique thing about this blessing was that although our basic youth clientele was African American, the Adult volunteers coming here from Chicago were Caucasian, Latino, and African American. Since the organization does not have its own building or facility, The need for a facility for tutoring during the week of school days, as well as a place of gathering and fellowshipping for a safe and positve enviroment were conducted in my home.
Gary Nobles said about the outreach, "Although my three bedroom home was not large enough to accomplish all that we set out to achieve and administer with the youth, the need was so great for this outreach that we often found many coming for assistance. Several of the children needing and requesting help with their school assignments or that needed to be in a positive environment had no where else to go, so we opened our home to them."
A facility for an "after school" - recreational program is much needed. The flag football outreach has seemed to be a good draw for many of the youth and also provides the opportunity for healthy competition, teamwork ethics, and positive fellowship and interactions with their opeers and community leaders on a regular basis. With the acquisition of an adequate facility, we can implement a daily Fellowship for the youth with free meals.. .
Additionally in the facility we can also offer curriculums such as performing arts, computer literacy, together with regular after school tutoring, employment skills training, a reading curriculum, and possible the production of a monthly local cable access television program produced by the youth participating, with supervision and management from a staff of volunteer Adults.
Although several adults in the community were instrumental in lending their support to the outreaches efforts, some of those that were notable to the ministries efforts were the founders and directors including myself, (AKA) Pastor Ken Bleu Campbell, aka "Rev. Ken Bleu Campbell", and "Brother Bleu" of Good Ground Ministries and Urban Spirit Publishing, Mr. Fred G. Smart of the National Productivity Group, Elder William Breit, executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc, Mr. Rick Mc Kinney, former professional sports athlete, Mr. Gary V. Nobles, also a former professional sports athlete, and Minister Curtis Tisdale, Jr. of Mt Paran Missionary Baptist Church in East St. Louis, Illinois..
Zoe Youth Ministries desires to network, unite, and partner with other similar youth outreaches and organizations interested in in combining cooperative efforts for the benefit of the youth and children .. Please use contact inormation below if you would like to network with us..
Winners Luncheon Outreach and the Zoe Youth Ministires Contact Information..
F. G. Smart
Log on to Brother Smarts informative, educational, and inspiring Website Blog by clicking the link below..
Fred Smart Site
» Friends and Supporters of Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon Outreaches..
F. Smart is a brother in Christ whom has been instrumental in supporting the outreaches of ZYM.
He is also one of the ministries positive Networkers and has personally traveled to St. Louis and Volunteered his time and and given resources while participating in the Saturday flag football league breakfast, prayer, and activites program.
Inspiring Testimonies..
Feb. 27, 2007, I personally prayed for a friend in my home town whose blood pressure was in danger of attracting a stroke. After a short prayer, I told her to go the doctor that day to check your blood pressure and it will be normal again and that the doctors would be amazed.
That is exactly what the Lord did because I saw the release in the Spirit! She is totally normal and is not suffering from the sickness she had before. It was a wonderful miracle.
Also, my right hand brother in Christ , Gary Nobles, prayed for our comrade Pastor Franz Sanon from Haiti later that day because the pastor had so much back pain that he could not get out of bed. After prayer, and about an hour later, he called and said that he was completely healed! No more back pain and he was up and about! Praise God!
Brother Bleu..
April, 2007.
Thank You Brother Tracy Fisher of Covenant Foods..
Brother Tracy Fisher of the Covenant Foods company in St. Louis, Missouri has also given us gifts of more than $2,000 worth of food for our programs (called "The Winners Luncheon and Discipleship Fellowship") .. Food gifts of cases of quarter pound beef hot dogs, bratwurst, 16 inch pepperoni pizzas, 12 inch cheese pizzas, 8 inch pizzas, several cases of push up ice cream units, Popsicles, cookie dough for baking cookies, 6 pound snickers candy bar cheesecakes, several cases of individual unit cheesecakes, juice, as well as cash gifts,) and as a result has just received the biggest deal of his Businesses endeavors..
Miracle Testimony of Healing..
A 35 year old Rochester, Washington woman whom had a history of breast cancer in her family and that was having trouble with a leakage in her breasts was totally resotred and healed after prayer during the third week of October, 2007.
She was prayed for over the telephone by one of the associates of the Zoe Youth Ministries and the next day she testified that the leakage had stopped completely and she was feeling aboslutley perfect! Wow! God certainly sent his word and healed her from all destruction! God is Good and his Word will work for you! Is. 53:5
Dear Brother, I don't know what it is about the wealth of wisdom you share with me, but everytime, without fail, they always make me cry. Maybe because inherently, it is what I truly believe about myself and am too embarassed to admit it because I am just so stuck on things I was told about myself growing up or maybe because after all that I have been through in life (parent's divorce, illness, death ...), change, now in my thirties, is fairly difficult. Truly, it is a very LARGE mountain to climb and at times I wonder if I will ever seize at least half of it, if not all.
Thank you for the wisdom you do have to impart. I do hope all is well with you and that you continue sahring your Love of with untold millions. Best Regards, Tib
Affiliate Sponsors that Support this Ministry With Purchases through Banners below....
Zoe Youth Ministries Winners Luncheon, Educational, & Recreational Disciple Outreach
One of the Zoë Youth Ministries Flag Football teams & ministry associate F. G. Smart with some of the ministries youth.. (Point to Photo, Right click mouse, and click "Show Picture" in menu if picture on this page does not appear.)
“According to the Grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the Foundation, and another builds upon it. But let every man take heed how he builds thereupon. For other Foundation can no man lay that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 3:10,11
Click the Link to Visit our> Youth Archive Blogs
Taking it to the Streets..
Youth Ministry Making Significant Strides to Disciple, Educate, and Empower Youth
Article From the Urban Spirit Empowerment Newsletter Publication..
Favor and Grace in Our Midst...
A great movement amongst the youth is taking place in north St. Louis County where former NFL wide receiver Gary Nobles and network associates have just completed the first phase of the Zoë Youth Ministries three phase vision implementation with the conclusion of a six month Discipleship for Christ outreach fellowship, entitled the Winners Luncheon.
During this period about eighty youth regularly attended the fellowship together with several adults that volunteered, as well as members of the churches the meetings were held. Free meals were offered in each meeting together with a culturally palatable and relevant, innovative presentation of the Gospel. Decisions for accepting Christ as savoir for the youth resulted and many of the youth also established personal camaraderie and mentorship's with the adult volunteers outside of the fellowship meetings.
Several volunteers offered their time, resources, and prayers in this implementation of the Winners Luncheon discipleship program. Nobles said, “We are grateful for those that took the time to “sow” into the lives and futures of the youth involved.
Included in this list are Elder William Breit, the executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc., whose provisions and intercessory prayer were invaluable, Tracy and Kim Fisher of Covenant Foods, inc. that cheerfully shared prayers, other resources, and more than generous supplies of food for the Winners luncheon outreach, Rev. Ken “Bleu” Campbell of Good Ground Ministries whom presented the gospel, gave resources, and administrated the correspondences, vision outline, and public relations aspects of the ministry, and Fred G. Smart of Chicago, Illinois, that shared not only financially but also made a personal trip to St. Louis and assisted in the outreach.
Others that were also significant and a great blessing to this mission were Bishop E. Dunn of Faith Christian Ministries that graced this fellowship outreach with the use of his church facilities for the Winners Luncheon, together with Pastor Carleton Stock and the board of directors of North Ministry Presbyterian Church, whom also graciously provided his churches facilities where the final six weeks of the fellowship were conducted.
Additionally, thanks to the contributions of fellowship mentor Deacon Larry Bonds, whom also donated soft drinks and provided much needed space in his home for storage of food for the luncheon, Minister Curtis Tisdale, Minister Elmer Moore, and those whom freely gave of their resources, time, and support, including Shawna Balde, Shelia Pargo, Pastor Fans Sanan, Walter Jeffries, Sr., Craig Nobles of Interscope Records, Walter McCovey of Los Angeles, California, S. Nobles, Leonard Jackson, and others.
This effort is a culmination of nine years of ministry extended to young, at-risk youth in the Black community which surprisingly began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois. This foundation progressed through the years and according to Nobles, the Grace of God enabled them to implement the outreach within an innovative impartation of the outreaches "power of Grace and Anointing entitled, “Peace, Purpose, and Provision”.
The "Peace" is based upon the presenting of the unconditional Love of God (salvation in Jesus Christ) first and foremost. Upon this “divine re-connection”, the peace of God within the heart accompanies the “salvation” and validates its authenticity and begins to "attract" the components of "Purpose" and "Provision".
After this, a personal understanding, direction, and guidance is then freely released into the heart concerning the “purpose” goals, aspirations, and dreams, that each individual aspires, or are predestined and gifted to do in this life.
The “gift”, as scripture teaches, “will make room for them”, and the “provisions”, including the networks, proper people, and financial resources necessary to carry out the purpose, are attracted in the “paths“ of their lives. Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
Community Youth Team Activity Council
“Our second phase vision is being initiated to continue implementing the disciple fellowship, educational, and recreational outreaches to the youth, and inviting others that also have a desire to positively touch the lives of our youth to unite their efforts with ours", Nobles added.
The outreach is also seeking to purchase a facility to house the ministry permanently and desire all that would want to share their support through tax deductible gifts to be encouraged to do so. If they wish to offer their resources or networks that provide any kind of ongoing educational, economic, or social building skills and programs and resources that might assist in further empowering our youth in the future, they are very much needed and appreciated, and more than welcome to “sow” with us in this mandate.”
Nobles added, "the Winners Luncheon fellowship is a type of church fellowship that is designed to be culturally palatable to today’s inner-city youth, whom would not normally attend any church service on a regular basis."
It is essentially, “taking the church to the streets, presenting innovative and relevant outreaches conducive to the youths environments, culture, mindset, and extending the proper spiritual, educational, social, and economic outreaches to address, equip, and better empower the youth within their communities.
“Our experience and scripture teaches us that one must “catch” a fish before he can “clean it up” or become a “fisher of men”. And in order to “catch the fish”, the hook alone without any “bait” is useless. Our “bait” is the Gospel of Jesus Christ together with the Winners Luncheon, and effective recreational, educational, personal mentorship, and “self help” employment outreaches and programs that inner-city youth can relate to.”
One of the most dynamic features of the ministries vision is the Community Youth Team Activity Council which has an active part in creating platforms for exposing, addressing, and challenging many of the social, educational, and economic issues that go uncontested, yet have a major effect upon the youth in our present society.
The Zoë Youth Fellowship outreach has also been fortunate to network with other national organizations such as Freedom Force, The “Light, Love, and Connectivity Outreach”, and others, for the purpose of combining their efforts and resources to address many issues that affect a youths perception and choices in today’s society.
Nobles added, "Our association with other youth organizations and other outreach organizations is to lend or network our efforts and support for mandates that address humanitarian, educational, economic, deceptive and negative media, and racial issues that clandestinely affect both the nations youth and adults. These are the primary things in society that are responsible for misleading or affecting the freedom, choices, values, and positive flourishing of today’s youth."
One of the more subtle and overlooked issues is the frankly false and misleading media offerings and advertising that is specifically aimed at capturing the attention of adolescents within their own communities through television, magazine, and the internet. Additionally, the fact that many “free” offers for video games and other prizes are extensively advertised, which are not in fact free at all, but rather conditional upon “the purchase of something else”, and in all aspects should be eliminated and deemed essentially illegal for merchants to advertise.
These scheme’s, camouflaged with the arm of “free speech” has been responsible for both luring and influencing the untutored mindsets of countless youth in our society and lessens the value and importance of honesty, hard work, and fairness.
An outreach is also planned to introduce legislation that will forbid any liquor store in the United States to sale candy to children also. Sadly, most are not aware that generally, liquor stores stationed in the inner-city are allowed to sale candy and snacks to children and seem to sell just as much candy to children as they do liquor to adults.
But this mixing of adult and youth in this kind of atmosphere is certainly not palatable for the younger generation or for the community in general. Quite frankly, this subtle scheme is to replace the numerous drinkers and weekend/holiday recreation drinkers with new ones, which are the kids, for the future.
Although It is up to the parents and concerned citizen's within the community to launch protests and sign petitions that forbids children to purchase anything whatsoever in the liquor stores, the Zoë Youth Ministries will be a spearhead in keeping this mandate in the forefront.
In passing legislation that forbids minors to purchase from liquor stores, it should include and any and ALL businesses that sell any kind of alcoholic beverages. This kind of city ordinance will see to it that new businesses and entrepreneurs in the future separate adult targeted business that children and youth do not have access.
Another area of concern for one of our action committees is “calling the thriving porn industry to the carpet” for their porn sites on the internet. Statistics say that 61% of all internet publishing's in 2002 are pornography. Since their inception on the wide world web, the porn industry have made these sites accessible to any youth, unless they have personal parental intervention that blocks the possibility of being solicited as a potential or future customer for the industry. But not much is being done to protect the children and youth in society from these luring’s.
The porn industries criteria in accessing these sites is minuscule in hindering minors because they only require that one must merely click a link stating that they are at least 18 years or age without any validation or proof. We believe that there should be a state ID required that is linked to these merchants to insure that the ages are appropriate for this kind of material.
“These are examples as to the kind of issues that the Zoë Youth Community Youth Team Activity Council are addressing", Nobles said. "We believe that our ongoing discipleship, recreational, educational, and mentorship outreaches, will certainly pay great dividends for all the lives of those involved.” Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:33
One of the frequent volunteer ministers, whom is a also regular personal mentor to many of the youth added , “We certainly appreciate those that have helped us throughout this outreach although many did not continue with us due to their unwillingness to lend their support to the foundation that had already been laid by the volunteers and associates up to this point.
Unfortunately, others that have shared their time for the ministry had motives preferring to steer the organization in a direction that was not compatible with the “Peace, Purpose, and Provision” structure already intact and ongoing with the youth.
Curtis Tisdale, a former popluar rapper that use to open up concerts for the poplular rapper "Eight Ball", said, "Some of the people that joined us had great ideas and concerns but seemed to venture contrary to the emphasis of discipleship for Christ first and foremost. This is the primary objective for the ministry and the pursuit of other ideas and programs that were introduced from others ranged from assisting the elderly to soliciting funds for their own individual entrepreneurial concerns. All these things are okay but the mandate of this ministry is to administer the anointing and Love of Christ so that many will know what their purpose in life is.”
Nobles summed up this summation with, “What others have suggested is all good, but we feel the Spirit of the Lord has birthed these specific mandates in our hearts. It is evident that the Lords hand is upon this outreach because He has been faithful to open the doors, and sending qualified, capable mentors, associates , and ministers for those things that He has purposed within his heart for the youth.
Brother Ken Bleu also added, " We are not trying to "make or get" God to do what "we want him to do", or think is right, but rather making our lives available to being a minister, which is a "servant" in its purest sense."
"One could say that we are just being “obedient” to God's (whom is Love, 1 John 4:8) heart’s desires, by listening “attentively and intelligently” to the Lord's leading , which is all contained within the wisdom of the Word of God.
When we simply believe, meditate regularly and appropriate its truths and instructions, there is always a supernatural supply of Grace (divine influence upon the heart) with an “enabling and “want to” power to "Love others as we desire to be loved."
Since scripture plainly teaches that "Love is "something that one does", and Love always Gives"....John 3:16.... "For God so Loved, He "Gave", this is the evidence of Love in action and when one simply will purposely live in the lifestyle and power of being "other person centered", changed lives and a more positive society are inevitable." (Proverbs 19:21)..
"Essentially, it is living from the “inside” - “out” according to what we believe and not necessarily focusing on all the problems in the innercity so much that it discourages and spawns a sense of hoplelessness."
That is why we are “taking it to the streets." The streets are where the hurting, untutored, hopleless, and misled live their lives. I think everyone should be a willing vessel for such outreaches and as a result, specifically, we are witnesses to the question, “does God’s power work in the Ghetto or did Jesus come just for the suburbs”, with an affirmative answer of yes, it does”, he concluded.”
Urban Spirit Publishing
Prayerfully Consider Sowing a donation to this Ministry.. All gifts are tax deductable Luke 6:38
Photos of Youth Activies and the Saturday Winners Luncheon and Fellowship
Pastor Carleton Stock and Youth at the North Side Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Mo at one of the Winners Luncheons.
Youth Flag football Teams Ready to Fellowship
"Beloved, if God so Loved us, We ought also to Love one another" 1 John 4:11
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Photo/Video Gallery
Rev. Ken Bleu, Gary Nobles, Minister Curtis Tisdale at the 'I'm Tired of Tripping Center", in East St. Louis
East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks with Nobles and other supporters at an April 2008 Rally to save the cities hospital.
You Tube Videos
Christian Activity Center - Clip #2 With Hope Anthem Music ..Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm Gary Nobles, et. al visit the Christian Activity Center (CAC) and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
The CAC is located in the Samuel Gompers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.cacesl.org/
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #4
://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project east st. louis illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and others.
The CAC is located in the Gumpers Projects which is located in East St. Louis School District 189. http://www.hiphopeproject.com
GROUND ZERO - Clip 1 - East St. Louis "Freedom Tour"
America on Monday, July 2, 1917. http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project:One Way Missionary Project; freedom Our first of many short clips of our "Freedom Tour" of East St. Louis to document the vision of The Hip Hope Project among friends, neighbors, pastors, volunteers and leaders of East St. Louis, Illinois.
The core vision of The Hip Hope Project mirrors East St. Louis Mayor, Alvin Park's "Life and Life More Abundantly" campaign to renew this community - and our world - from the ground up beginning with a restoration of hope in the minds, hearts and souls of people from all walks of life within and without the city, area, nation and the world at large.
The Hip Hope Project is not owned or controlled by any group or corporation. We are simply receiving, sharing and celebrating a divinely providential vision of hope that we believe is manifesting here in East St. Louis in miraculous ways.
As we later discovered, this clip was recorded beginning at 4:28 pm on Friday, May 2, 2008 at "GROUND ZERO" which is where the first shot was fired that killed the first black individual in the most horrific race riot in the history of the United States of America on Monday, July 2, 1917.
More Scenes From The Christian Activity Center - Clip #3 http://www.cacesl.org/ http://www.hiphopeproject.com...Hip Hope Project East St. Louis, Illinois freedom liberty More scenes with Gary Nobles, et. al visiting the Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East St. Louis Illinois and CAC Director, Chet Cantrell and a very cute boy who's smile and infectious enthusiasm wins our "Digital Hope Award" for the day.
History of Zoe Youth Ministries
The Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon programs are an extension of the 21st Century Youth Foundation Ministries. It is an Outreach designed to address the spiritual, physical, academic, and psychological balancing needs, of male and female children and young adults ages 6 -19 using revelatory and proven non religious, Christian principles, educational, mentorship, and recreational applications. The programs has been administered for a period of 34 weeks per year during the spring thru the beginning of the winter months since 2000 to date.
The ministry began as an outreach of flag football, prayer, disciple ship for Christ, and free meal fellowship in a grass field across the street from the infamous Orr Weathers Housing Projects in East St. Louis Illinois in 1994.
within the current outreach to youth and young adults, the teaching of teamwork, character building, honesty, life principles, and integrity, were taught within the implementation of a flag football league competition each Saturday morning starting about 8:am and ending that afternoon around 3:pm -5:pm.
During these sessions, an average of anywhere between 30 - 70 youth would participate and also be administered biblically inspiring messages, prayer, free meals, personal counseling, and academic tutoring after the athletic competitions were concluded. Zoe Youth Ministries presently administers this much needed outreach each Saturday morning with the occasional volunteering of a few Adults living within the community, as well volunteers and friends of the ministrie that live in other cities.
With the support of pastors, friends, and associates, the ministry has been blessed to keep the programs intact for an extended period. We were also blessed with volunteers that would come to St. Louis from as far away as the city of Chicago, Illinois, that would travel to the St. Louis area during the weekends to volunteer in serving the outreaches needs and agendas.
The unique thing about this blessing was that although our basic youth clientele was African American, the Adult volunteers coming here from Chicago were Caucasian, Latino, and African American. Since the organization does not have its own building or facility, The need for a facility for tutoring during the week of school days, as well as a place of gathering and fellowshipping for a safe and positve enviroment were conducted in my home.
Gary Nobles said about the outreach, "Although my three bedroom home was not large enough to accomplish all that we set out to achieve and administer with the youth, the need was so great for this outreach that we often found many coming for assistance. Several of the children needing and requesting help with their school assignments or that needed to be in a positive environment had no where else to go, so we opened our home to them."
A facility for an "after school" - recreational program is much needed. The flag football outreach has seemed to be a good draw for many of the youth and also provides the opportunity for healthy competition, teamwork ethics, and positive fellowship and interactions with their opeers and community leaders on a regular basis. With the acquisition of an adequate facility, we can implement a daily Fellowship for the youth with free meals.. .
Additionally in the facility we can also offer curriculums such as performing arts, computer literacy, together with regular after school tutoring, employment skills training, a reading curriculum, and possible the production of a monthly local cable access television program produced by the youth participating, with supervision and management from a staff of volunteer Adults.
Although several adults in the community were instrumental in lending their support to the outreaches efforts, some of those that were notable to the ministries efforts were the founders and directors including myself, (AKA) Pastor Ken Bleu Campbell, aka "Rev. Ken Bleu Campbell", and "Brother Bleu" of Good Ground Ministries and Urban Spirit Publishing, Mr. Fred G. Smart of the National Productivity Group, Elder William Breit, executive director of One Way Ministries, Inc, Mr. Rick Mc Kinney, former professional sports athlete, Mr. Gary V. Nobles, also a former professional sports athlete, and Minister Curtis Tisdale, Jr. of Mt Paran Missionary Baptist Church in East St. Louis, Illinois..
Zoe Youth Ministries desires to network, unite, and partner with other similar youth outreaches and organizations interested in in combining cooperative efforts for the benefit of the youth and children .. Please use contact inormation below if you would like to network with us..
Winners Luncheon Outreach and the Zoe Youth Ministires Contact Information..
F. G. Smart
Log on to Brother Smarts informative, educational, and inspiring Website Blog by clicking the link below..
Fred Smart Site
» Friends and Supporters of Zoe Youth Ministries and the Winners Luncheon Outreaches..
F. Smart is a brother in Christ whom has been instrumental in supporting the outreaches of ZYM.
He is also one of the ministries positive Networkers and has personally traveled to St. Louis and Volunteered his time and and given resources while participating in the Saturday flag football league breakfast, prayer, and activites program.
Inspiring Testimonies..
Feb. 27, 2007, I personally prayed for a friend in my home town whose blood pressure was in danger of attracting a stroke. After a short prayer, I told her to go the doctor that day to check your blood pressure and it will be normal again and that the doctors would be amazed.
That is exactly what the Lord did because I saw the release in the Spirit! She is totally normal and is not suffering from the sickness she had before. It was a wonderful miracle.
Also, my right hand brother in Christ , Gary Nobles, prayed for our comrade Pastor Franz Sanon from Haiti later that day because the pastor had so much back pain that he could not get out of bed. After prayer, and about an hour later, he called and said that he was completely healed! No more back pain and he was up and about! Praise God!
Brother Bleu..
April, 2007.
Thank You Brother Tracy Fisher of Covenant Foods..
Brother Tracy Fisher of the Covenant Foods company in St. Louis, Missouri has also given us gifts of more than $2,000 worth of food for our programs (called "The Winners Luncheon and Discipleship Fellowship") .. Food gifts of cases of quarter pound beef hot dogs, bratwurst, 16 inch pepperoni pizzas, 12 inch cheese pizzas, 8 inch pizzas, several cases of push up ice cream units, Popsicles, cookie dough for baking cookies, 6 pound snickers candy bar cheesecakes, several cases of individual unit cheesecakes, juice, as well as cash gifts,) and as a result has just received the biggest deal of his Businesses endeavors..
Miracle Testimony of Healing..
A 35 year old Rochester, Washington woman whom had a history of breast cancer in her family and that was having trouble with a leakage in her breasts was totally resotred and healed after prayer during the third week of October, 2007.
She was prayed for over the telephone by one of the associates of the Zoe Youth Ministries and the next day she testified that the leakage had stopped completely and she was feeling aboslutley perfect! Wow! God certainly sent his word and healed her from all destruction! God is Good and his Word will work for you! Is. 53:5
Dear Brother, I don't know what it is about the wealth of wisdom you share with me, but everytime, without fail, they always make me cry. Maybe because inherently, it is what I truly believe about myself and am too embarassed to admit it because I am just so stuck on things I was told about myself growing up or maybe because after all that I have been through in life (parent's divorce, illness, death ...), change, now in my thirties, is fairly difficult. Truly, it is a very LARGE mountain to climb and at times I wonder if I will ever seize at least half of it, if not all.
Thank you for the wisdom you do have to impart. I do hope all is well with you and that you continue sahring your Love of with untold millions. Best Regards, Tib
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