Monday, July 7, 2008

Hip Hope Project:The Freedom And Liberty Lighthouse Inspiration Weekly Report! In Honor Of Dede Farrells Endless Freedom Work!

Good morning freedom and liberty lovers!I hope everyone had a blessed and wonderful Independence weekend.What a glorious week we have ahead of us!This week I am so inspired to share with you that God has a plan for us!The best word to describe this week is "anointing" This is when you experience the richness of Gods spirit!The effects of having Gods presence;you experience a greater peace "which is the yes of God" Secondly you have a greater liberty or sense of freedom. All of this starts within. When we are at peace within ourselves then it becomes contagious.So have a great week and "remember this" for it is Gods presence that destroys the yokes and removes the burdens! Isaiah 10:27

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